I know I'm late for Spirit Day but I think there shouldn't be just one day when you must be concerned and supportive, so here is my contribution:
This is video isn't just a tribute to the amazing show that is Queer as Folk, it also bears a strong message, one I've understood while watching the episodes but not only. This isn't just about vidding, I hope that this will show you something important and real. I know that it just a tv show but unfortunately, what they've shown in it, the stories they told are not far from reality and it still happens today, everywhere.
There is too much hatred,violence, intolerence and oppressions. But, there is always hope, and that's why I decided to use this song that Todrick Hall sang for all teen from the LGBT (Lesbian, Gays, Bisexual, Transexual) community, because there is still too many who commit suicide because they are rejected, bullied and harrased for who they are. This song carries a message of hope and perseverance and tells them that there is always someone who loves them and that life is worth living.
I don't pretend knowing anything or that this video will change something. But I really want to show that I care and that I think that people shouldn't be judged no matter who they are, who they love and how they live their lives.
We're all human beings, we all have rights and are equal.
I used this particular show because it moved me and changed me a lot. I never hated gays, lesbians, bisexuals or transexuals. But, this show really opened my eyes on certain things and I know that there are other injustices in the world and that oppression is everywhere but maybe if we all tried to open our eyes and see that they're not different from other people, that they have the same problems in life like in their relationships, families, works, friends. Everyone has these kind of problems but some have more because they're rejected and judged by others.
I hope that this video will at least move you and please, if you disagree, don't be rude or hateful in your comments.
To those who read the description until the end, I say thank you and I hope that you too understand what I wrote.
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