The Adventures of Rose Harkness-Jones

May 24, 2012 17:55

Title: The Adventures of Rose Harkness-Jones
Author: csichick_2
Artist: mysedai
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Warning: retcon and regeneration
Word Count: 10,016 (AO3 said differently when I posted it, but I swear that's what my word processor says)
Beta: rinkafic
Note: For purposes of this story, Children of Earth never happened.

Summary: When Jack and Ianto's daughter turns eighteen, she takes The Doctor up on his invitation to travel with him. She ends up experiencing much more than she ever expected.

Art: tba
Fic: LiveJournal Masterpost; Dreamwidth Masterpost; AO3

rating: pg-13, author: csichick_2, fandom: doctor who

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