fic: As One Story Ends, Another Begins

May 03, 2009 18:25

title: As One Story Ends, Another Begins
pairing: Teddy/Victoire
words: 1438
rating: PG
note: Present for theepiccek because she got me this awesome card for my birthday. Happy birthday, love :) I realized you (and a couple of other people too, sorry guys) requested a fic from me something like... six months ago (FAIL) and I never got around to it. You may have forgotten the prompts you asked for since it was sooo long agooo. They were "London", "summer after Vic's 7th year" and "fountain". I have no idea if you even like this pairing anymore, or if you still read HP fic these days, but enjoy? ♥

As One Story Ends, Another Begins

Victoire walked arm in arm with her younger sister Dominique across Trafalgar square. They were on their way home after a spot of shopping in London. Dominique was in a foul mood because a pigeon had shat on her head. She'd quickly gotten rid of the mess with magic, but it was the principle of the thing.

"I don't see why we don't just Apparate home," Dominique grumbled.

"You have legs, do you not?" Victoire sighed at her petulant sister. "Just because we're witches doesn't mean we have to do everything by magic. The walk will do us some good."

Dominique suddenly let out a scream as a flock of pigeons flew overhead. Several heads turned to stare at her, and Victoire let go of her arm out of embarrassment.

"Quel est votre problème?" Victoire hissed at Dominique.

"Je n'aime pas les pigeons!" Dominique glared at a pigeon by her feet.

Victoire giggled behind her hand. "Tu es très stupide."

Dominique pouted. "Je ne t'ai jamais aimé..."

Victoire linked arms with Dominique again, and much to her disapproval, kissed Dominique's cheek as an apology for her teasing.

"You're so embarrassing," Dominique mumbled, as though she hadn't made a fool of herself by screaming her head off in public moments before. "Hey..." Dominique pointed over Victoire's shoulder. "Isn't that Teddy?"

Victoire followed her sister's line of gaze to a young man standing by the the square's fountain. There was a backpack by his feet, and his back was facing them, but his electric blue hair made him not only unmissable but easily recognizable.

"I wonder how he's been doing since..." Dominique trailed off sadly.

Victoire and Teddy had been in a relationship of sorts. Teddy had "seen her off" on the Hogwarts Express before she started her seventh year by kissing her, but the moment had been ruined by her cousin James walking in on them. Throughout Victoire's seventh year they exchanged letters sealed with kisses. At Christmas, they shared real kisses, sometimes beneath mistletoes, sometimes not...

And then Teddy's grandmother passed away.

It had come as a shock to everyone. Even though Andromeda had been getting on in years, she seemed healthy. Her death had hit Teddy hard. He isolated himself from everyone, including Victoire. He stopped going to Harry's three times a week for dinner; he stopped writing to Victoire; and for months, nobody actually knew where Teddy was...

Now it was the summer after Victoire had graduated from Hogwarts, and apparently Teddy was back from wherever he'd buggered off to, looking effortlessly sexy with his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans staring at the water trickling from the fountain. Seeing him again reminded Victoire how much she missed him everyday.

"Gross," Dominique commented on Victoire's lovey-dovey eyes at Teddy from afar. "Tell me the juicy details later, sis." She kissed Victoire's cheek. "I'll see you at home." Victoire watched as her lazy sister Dominique ducked into a phonebooth and Apparated away.

Victoire took a deep breath and headed determinedly towards Teddy. He was standing extremely close to the fountain. Anyone could just push him in...

Victoire smirked to herself. Pushing Teddy in the fountain would definitely make up for him disappearing for months without a word. She took off her heels and put them down because he was bound to hear her approaching with the way they clicked noisily against the ground. Then, she crept behind Teddy, and just as she was about to push him, Teddy did something absolutely catastrophic to Victoire's plan.

He took one step to the left.

It took only one small step for everything to go spectacularly wrong. Victoire missed Teddy, lost her balance, and fell into the fountain with a loud splash. Thankfully, Teddy got a little wet from the impact of the splash, otherwise Victoire would have been really annoyed.

Teddy didn't recognize Victoire right away. "Hey, lady, are you okay?" he asked. Teddy thought she was ill, or maybe drunk, because jumping into fountains wasn't normal behaviour.

Victoire growled and swept her wet hair out of her face

"Wow." Now Teddy recognized her. He burst into laughter. "Hullo."

If looks could kill... "Don't just stand there!"

Ever the gentleman, Teddy stepped into the fountain to help Victoire (well, it was either help her out or suffer her wrath). She expected him to just pull her up, so she sucked in a breath of surprise when he scooped her into the arms and out of the water. Her arms snaked familiarly around his neck, and suddenly she had a flashback of her and Teddy at Christmas, her nails playing with the hair at the nape of his neck while they kissed and drank too much eggnog. She blushed at the memory as he planted her back down on the ground.

"At least my shoes didn't get wet," Victoire looked on the bright side.

"You mean those shoes over there?" Teddy pointed to a pair of heels being chewed by someone's dog.

Victoire groaned. "Great." They weren't even her shoes. "Dominique is going to kill me."

Teddy smiled almost reminiscently. "She still a brat?"

"More than ever," Victoire said, wringing water out of the end of her dress.

"You still a brat?"

Victoire's mouth dropped open at Teddy. He smiled charmingly at her. "More than ever," she pulled a face at him. The water from the fountain had smudged her make-up, and she ran her fingers through her wet hair that had managed to tangle itself. "I feel really ugly right now."

Teddy reached out for her face and wiped away some smeared mascara under her eyes with his sleeve. "You're beautiful," he told her softly.

Victoire laughed awkwardly; she was never good at taking compliments. "Thanks to my mother's genes..."

"Beautiful inside and out," Teddy made himself clear, and Victoire's breath caught in her throat.

"I've missed you," she said in a quiet voice sadly.

"I've missed you, too," Teddy said, sounding equally as sad.

"Where've you been? We've all been so worried..."

Teddy shrugged his shoulders ruefully. "I had to get away," he said. "Backpacked around the world, actually. But I'm back now." Back with his tail between his legs, it would seem.

Victoire wanted to hear more about his travels; she'd only gone as far as Paris to see her mother's side of the family. "Did you have fun?"

After a moment of silence, Teddy said, "Not really, no."

"Oh." Victoire looked pityingly at him. "How come?"

"I saw all these beautiful sights..." Teddy stared dismally at his shoes. "But I had no one to share them with."

Victoire shook her head at him. "Tu es très stupide," she said for the second time that day.

Teddy didn't speak French, but it didn't take a genius to work out Victoire had insulted him. "Hey..."

Victoire sighed at the beautiful, heartbroken boy standing before her. "Teddy, I know you must feel so alone right now, but you've got me--"

"But for how long?" Teddy snapped at her without thinking. "How long until you're snatched away from me, too?"

He couldn't believe he'd admitted his deepest fear to her. He stared into Victoire's upset face and knew he should have stayed away.

"I shouldn't have come back here," he said, turning to leave.

Victoire blocked his path. "No, Teddy, you shouldn't have gone in the first place and dealt with your grief by yourself." She leaned up on her tiptoes and cupped his face in her hands. "Everybody dies," she said gently. "What matters is what you do between now and when it happens to you." Her voice lowered to a whisper. "If you care about me at all, you won't run away again."

"Vic, of course I care about you." Teddy had found out the hard way running away wasn't the answer. He leaned his forehead against Victoire's. "Do you think... maybe if we hurry, we can make it to dinner at Harry's?"

A smile lit up Victoire's face. "Definitely." She hugged Teddy's neck. "Welcome back."

Teddy hugged her waist. "It's good to be back."

Victoire looked disappointed when Teddy broke the embrace in favour of taking off his shoes. "What are you doing?" she asked, laughing.

"Your feet must be cold." He bent down and slipped her feet into his red Converse. They were far too big for her, and they looked silly with her dress, but Victoire melted at the gesture. He took off his blazer, put it around her shoulders, and picked up his backpack. "Is Harry's cooking still as bad as I remember?"

Victoire laughed, took his hand in hers, and leaned into his side as they walked. "Atrocious as ever."

"Your cooking still as bad as I remember?"

Victoire deliberately stepped hard on his toes.

*French to English translations
"Quel est votre problème?" = What's your problem?
"Je n'aime pas les pigeons!" = I don't like pigeons!
"Tu es très stupide." = You are very stupid.
"Je ne t'ai jamais aimé..." = I've never liked you...

teddy/victoire, fanfic

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