
Jun 16, 2010 20:19

★★ personal information
Name: Rika
Age: 22
Personal LJ: paako
Email / AIM / MSN: too old for JUMP

★★ character information
Character Name: Dastan
Fandom: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Source: { Wikipedia }

★ character history:
Born in the slums of the city Nasaf to parents he never knew, Dastan, with his close friend Bis, spent a good deal of their childhood on the streets.

One fateful day in the marketplace, Bis unwittingly ran into the path of a horse ridden by a royal guard and upset the animal, who then reared up and threw the guard off its back. Angered by his insolence, the rest of the King's men at the head of the procession surrounded and began to beat the boy, punishing him.

Dastan, who at this time had been on his way back to meet up with Bis, finally found them upon hearing the commotion and yelled repeatedly at them to stop, only to be ignored. With not many other options left open to him, Dastan threw the only thing he had on hand at the guard in a bid to get his attention and draw him away from Bis. It worked, and both boys made a break for it while the guards gave chase.

Leaving Bis hidden in a relatively safe place on the rooftops, Dastan lured their pursuers away from his friend, eventually getting caught in his stead. King Sharaman, who by this time had found out just what was going on, stepped in to prevent the guards from harming the young orphan. He was impressed by the act of courage exhibited by so young a boy, and adopted Dastan as a son. Though he had no noble blood in him, the boy was raised as a prince of the Persian empire, youngest brother to the king's two sons Tus and Garsiv.

All three brothers led the Persian army together with their uncle to march on Khoshkan, an enemy of the empire, 15 years later. En route, they discovered that the holy city of Alamut had apparently been supplying Khoshkan with weaponry. Tus and Garsiv seemed sure that they had enough evidence of Alamut's treachery but Dastan was not fully convinced, and attempted to discourage his brothers from ordering an attack on the city, though he was unsuccessful. Still, he supported his brother's decision, and led a sneak attack through one of Alamut's more loosely-guarded side gates together with Bis and the rest of his ragtag unit, gaining the entire Persian army entrance to the city.

Despite their victory, King Sharaman was not at all pleased with the city's invasion, as he made absolutely clear to Tus upon reaching Alamut. His anger had been quelled when the time for the celebratory banquet had come around, but the mood was not to last; shortly after putting on a robe presented to him by Dastan, the king collapsed, dead, from burns inflicted by the robe which had apparently been soaked in some acidic poison.

★ character personality:
Please be as detailed as possible. Minimum three paragraphs.

★ powers:

★★ samples

★ first person:
Your first person entry should be made as if your character were posting to a public network, such as Livejournal. It does not have to be their first post (ie, "OMG WHERE AM I?!"), but it does have to show that the character is perfectly aware of the fact that this is something that other people are likely to see. Please avoid excessive description in [action tags] here, as one would get in video posts - we're looking for your character's voice, the one they use for talking to others. Save the internal monologues for the third person sample.

★ third person:
300 word minimum. This is the place to show your character's inner thoughts. Give us a nice third person narrative of your character doing something, plus how they feel about it. This doesn't have to be blatant "this is what my character is thinking, designated by italics!" but should rather show your character's self via their actions and interactions with their environment.

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