Sep 04, 2006 15:43
It was good to be in Egypt- it was his homeland, and he felt at ease here, even more than he had originally assumed. It was like coming home, really coming home, a strange feeling he could hardly describe. He never disliked living in Japan- in fact, wherever his husband would want to live, he'd be glad to live there as well. But here, in Egypt.. it was as if he was alive, really, truly alive.
A small smile tugged at his lips while he was setting everything ready for tea. Their uninvited- but welcomed anyway- guest had left for the city with his giant bike, and his husband was at school, occupied with the introduction week of all the international students. It was a busy time for both of them- Atemu was running the household and the store, getting everything on its feet.
However, he'd been so busy with himself and his marriage, that he completely... overlooked Mana. The girl he regarded as his younger sister was blossoming into a young woman, having found love, and even though Atemu wasn't exactly agreeing to her choice -with no offense to Amelda, but everything partaining to Doma left a strange aftertaste with him-, he was wondering lately if he hadn't been too brusque, too abrupt in having Mana relocate with him. Mahaado hadn't been very fond of the relationship either...
He heaved a small sigh. Such a great ruler he was- he barely had asked for Mana's opinion. It was time to set things right, or at least talk about it- and was catching up while having tea not the best way to get things going?
[Tag, Mana! ^___^]