There's something about you Supernatural Dean.
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So I'm watching this unnaturally amazing video by
hay1ock, who, by the way, is my hero right now.
I had to prevent myself from squealing on various occasions. I kid you not. I don't know if it's the lack of Supernatural that has caused my brain to go into some state of hibernation, sleeping through any emotions of excessive joy [aka: fan-girling]. But I saw that video, Dean's pretty little face, and these high pitched squeals wanted to escape my throat. His undeniable Deanness makes me giddy. I want to jump around a bit and giggle for an uncounted amount of time.
Holy shit, dude. They're almost back. Sam's going to be completely broken and Dean will have returned from hell. Dean went to mutha-fucking hell. I know I can't even begin to consider thinking up any possibilities for this upcoming season. I honest to gosh don't know. There's a damaged relationship the boys will have to work at yet again, when we all know they're both too stubborn to do so willingly. Ruby's meatsuit is gone, just when it was growing on me. The war is coming; war, people! This is going to be so insanely epic my brain might just explode from the sheer amazing-osity of it all. I have no clue how it's going to begin. What kind of person is Sam going to be? Mystery Spot!Sam? I really wouldn't mind, because the crazy he had going for it was too perfect for words. Kripke knows what the fans want - the female ones, anyway - and that's the obsessive relationship that goes beyond sanity, life or death, what's right and wrong; it's downright insane. Sam would kill for Dean, and not in a if it was his very last possible option, and even then he'd have to think it over, no, more in a There's the slight possibility he wont be here tomorrow? What do I have to do? Kill someone? Let's go! I have to say, I fucking love it. But no matter which way he'd prefer to go, or whatever plan he might think up, he still listens to Dean. If Dean tells Sam something's not an option, then he won't do it. Which is kind of insanely hot.
I keep on replaying the end of season three in my head, how Dean played a brave part even though he was fucking terrified, how Sam would have done whatever needed to keep his brother with him, how they both obviously weren't ready to separate. Sam cried, and then my heart broke into a million little pieces that have no chance of being placed back together until next-next Thursday, when I get to see my boys again. Kripke better lay on the drama and lay it on thick. I want Supernatural at its finest, because damn it, it's been four months already. I need this episode to have a huge chunk of angst, and five seconds after their awkward bonding-moment Dean needs to bring on the sarcasm and I'll be so damn happy. I don't expect Sam to be emotional, though, I kind of think he probably closed down quite a bit since Dean's death, and when he sees his brother again he won't even know how to react - I might be so wrong, though. As much as I adore the obsessive relationship they have, it'll be interesting to watch them attempt to rebuild it again.
We got to see Sam become a very different person from the first season, someone much darker. But even with that change, he stayed the same with Dean. Heck, he needed his brother more than ever. But now he's had to convince himself that his brother is dead, and it's entirely his fault. He probably won't want to go back to the prior relationship [tee hee, relationship] they shared out of fear that the same situation may appear again. Dean could die, and he'll be alone. I love this evolution Sam's going through. And Dean, holy hawtness! I have no clue what to expect from him. From what Krikpe has explained, he initially won't remember a thing of hell, but the memories have to come out sometime. Does that mean we're going to see Dean break down? [I'm talking honest to gosh breakdown, people] I mean, hey, hell is fucking hell. It's the place that burns away your soul until you can't remember what being human is, or at least that's how Ruby explained it [in her I'm not like the other girls speech of clichéness.]
Dean was stuck there, crying out for his brother . . . WHY ISN'T IT THE 18TH YET?!
Kripke, man, please don't let me down, but seeing how episode two involves time travel and a young Mary and John, I don't think that's possible.
SPN pwns my soul.
I think I should study now.