It's weird.
I know they constantly mentioned how this season of Scrubs is going to be a throwback to the first season and its higher load of drama, but it still felt slightly unusual to have these serious undertones that weren't always there before. But, yeah, Ioved it. I loved how J.D. and Dr. Cox can have an actual conversation that doesn't involve insults and sarcasm. Was that respect I saw there, Perry? But, oh right, J.D.'s an annoying little girl. Yeah - this is Scrubs alright. And, yes! Elliot realizing she's full of herself FTW! I also really enjoyed how Dr. Cox suspected the new Chief of Medecine was a money hungry bitch, but didn't want to actually know. Because then he'd have to be that guy again, and yeah, he's tired of being that guy.
I have to say, the second episode totally broke my heart in such a good way. I love how they touched the topic of death in such a sober but calming way; it kind of relaxed my fears. Everyone's afraid of death, and there's really not a single thing you can do to change it. We always fear the unknown. The only thing you can hope for is that you go out with some happy last thoughts and maybe a couple of people to keep you company and listen a bit.
It really was a really good mixture of drama and comedy. When J.D. was talking about how his father always made him and his brother give their leftovers to a homeless man after eating out and their mother's reaction, I couldn't stop laughing. It wasn't a loony dream sequence or random craziness, heck, he was pretty serious when he talked about it, but I was laughing so much I almost cried.
"He's just going to use those porkchops for drugs!"
-everyone stares-
"My mom drank, a lot."
The new characters are actually pretty funny. I like Joe. I want Elliot to tell, um, Blair, to get over herself. I'm sad Courtney Cox won't be staying too long. And Keith, um, sweety, get over it.
So far, so good.