|| dislike
|| neutral
|| friends
|| close friends
|| crush
|| family / dating
|| in love
Name: Alice
Alice is Oz's Chain, is 'master', and most importantly his friend and precious person. He has sworn to protect her, and he doesn't take that responsibility lightly. he refuses to believe Alice is just a Chain. He's determined to help her collect her memories and stay by her side. Although she's gone before, she back now, and that's what counts. She brightens up the once-dreary cottage after Gil's departure, and she continues to day after day.
Name: Vincent
Gilbert's younger brother. Murderer. Crazy. Just no. Oz hates him. As much as he can hate a person, at least. Not only is Vincent untrustworthy, but he's trying to get with his sister. And that's just a big no in Oz's book.
Name: Xerxes Break
Despite not getting off on the right foot in canon, Break and Oz have grown somewhat closer over the months spent in Somarium. Break has become someone Oz can rely on, if only a tiny bit. He was there when things turned sour with Gil, and like Gil and Alice, he too disappeared for a short period. Despite Break's secrets, he's reliable and a good person deep down. Plus, they share a mutual distaste for the Nightray Rat. In short, Break has finally become a friend to Oz, even if it's a screwed up friendship.
Name: Eliot Nightray
Eliot gave Oz his infamous speech in the summer that he missed out on due to such an early canon-point entering Somarium. Eliot showed Oz that he had reasons to continue living; for other people, for his friends, and for himself. Although Eliot rubs him the wrong way most of the time, and he enjoys getting into arguments with him, he considers Eliot some sort of a friend. He's an equal and he's glad that the Nightrays have him as an heir instead of someone else.
Name: Ada Bezarius
Oz's little sister. He is extremely possessive over her. Her interactions with Vincent trouble him, but Ada has grown up to be a respectable lady, and it would be rude if he didn't trust her. Still, he feels the brotherly urge to keep her away from harm, and especially courters. Although he missed out on ten years of her life, he still considers them brother and sister through and through. Ada has been there for him for a long time in Somarium, and he's glad his sister is here.
Name: Rena
Rena was one of the first people Oz met upon arriving in Somarium in April of 2009. Not only did she show him around, but she showed him kindness that had no strings attached. Her bubbly attitude and inherent kindness shocks Oz constantly. She's warm and reminds Oz of home, even though he's so far away. Rena has been one of the things Oz has been able to hold on to in Somarium while everything else has changed. They've been through hard times and good times, made snow angels and cookies, shared in nightmares, and learned more about each other. He's afraid to tell her everything about himself, now that he's grown so close. He's afraid of losing her like he did Gilbert, and he's afraid to speak his mind about how he really feels about her. She's one of his best friends, but more importantly, she's Rena and genuine. He doesn't know why, but she's able to make him blush from the simplest things. ... is that what a person calls a crush?
Name: Minako
Minako is another person that Oz has known for a long time. They met early on in Oz's Somarium timeline and have been great friends ever since. Oz has finally opened up to her about his past, and she's shared some secrets as well. Oz trusts Minako, especially with his sister's well-being. He's afraid of losing Minako as well, and tries his best not to show it. She's reliable and a great person through and through, and for that, Oz is extremely thankful.
Name: Rita
Rita is... special. Oz and Rita bicker, argue, yell at each other, comfort each other, and just can't understand one another. Oz is afraid of losing her, someone so much like him, and at the same time, he refuses to say it. He hates appearing weak in front of her, and hates it even more when she refuses to tell him anything. Rita is important to him, and despite their odd friendship, he would protect her no matter what now.
Name: Miharu
Miharu is awfully strange. Oz isn't sure whether he likes or dislikes him. During the warehouse fiasco, Miharu did show a strange of concern for Oz's well-being, so the two don't completely dislike one another. They usually get into little arguments, especially when Oz is accused of being a kidnapper. All in all, Oz doesn't necessarily mind him. He's just ... strange.
Name: Spain
Oz has known Spain for awhile now. By far, one of the most memorable instances with him was the picnic they had with Rena. Spain is an overall kind and reliable person that Oz has come to trust. Now that he knows Echo has some connections with him, he has even more reason to keep in contact with him. Perhaps, one day, he'll be able to travel with Spain, just like mentioned before.
Name: Mille
Mille is quite the character. Extremely flirtatious but trustworthy. Oz doesn't know that 'she's' really a he, but that doesn't matter too much. The flirty comments would still have the same effects on him. Regardless, Oz has decided he's going to protect Mille, and that means a lot. Mille is one of Oz's friends and although they don't know much about each other's pasts, Oz trusts him.
rest to be added later
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