Oncoming Storms 1.7

May 25, 2007 11:10

Ace sat on her bed, her well loved bomber jacket in her lap and what one would think very un-Ace-like; a needle and thread clutched in her right hand.

They, her and the Professor of course, had recently ran like the wind. Like always, hell had broken loose and they’d wound up running for their lives. Running for her life was once of the things Ace loved the most about travelling with the Professor. The adrenaline pumping through her veins.

Sadly, her jacket had caught on a branch as they returned to the TARDIS and a gash two inches long was now rent into it. She’d worn that jacket so often, that she felt naked without it. There was no question about finding a new one in the wardrobe. This was her jacket. It was what made her Ace, throwing that away would be like cutting off her right arm.

Well…not quite…

She’d attempted to sew the rip together again but the scar that was left stuck out like a sore thumb. She looked up when she heard a knock at the door, the Doctor standing there with an unreadable look on his face.

“May I come in Ace?” She nodded in reply and he sat down beside her. He took one of her hands in his own and her gaze travelled between them to spy a brand new patch now in both their hands.

Ace’s face split into a grin and she automatically threw her arms around him without thinking. “Thanks Professor.” She couldn’t think of a better present.

“My pleasure Ace.”

Muse: Ace McShane
Fandom: Doctor Who
Word Count: 263

fic, os

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