Pray for Me.

Nov 30, 2004 18:24

"A Favor House Atlantic"

Your eyes tell the stories of a day you wish you could
Recall the moments that once have
Retrack the footsteps that brought us to this favor
I wouldn't ask this of you

Good eye, sniper
Here I'll shoot, you run
The words you scribbled on the walls
With the loss of friends you didn't have
I'll call you when the time is right
Are you in or are you out?
For them all to know the end of us all

Run quick, they're behind us
Didn't think we'd ever make it
This close to safety in one piece
Now you wanna kill me in the act of what could maybe
Save us from sleep and what we are

Good eye, sniper
Now I shoot, you run
The words you scribbled on the walls
With the loss of friends you didn't have
I'll call you when the time is right
Are you in or are you out?
For them all to know the end of us all

Bye bye beautiful
Don't bother to write
Disturbed by your words and they're calling all cars
Face step, let down.
Face step, step down.

The words you scribbled on the walls
With the loss of friends you didn't have
I'll call you when the time is right
Are you in or are you out?
For them all to know

I do not like one bit when things are different.
I do not like at all when plans are made for a specific time and you do not show up.
For me, eating is a difficult task.

School is a joke. Why do they think I can go out and get a new folder within one days notice? WHY? Know what? Keep on taking points off, bitch. I don't really care.

Forever I have wanted, craved the Coheed CD. Now that it is in my possesion I want to give it back. Thanks Jay, you ruined it for me. I hate you sometimes.

Steve is off somewhere with Mike Donz, whom I absolutely fucking hate with everything I am. He called and asked if it was all right to come over. I call back with a response and no one answers. Things like this run me up a wall. Things like this are the things that break me. You think that he might notice by now? And to say I do not know you hurts me ever so deeply. Maybe I don't know what a best friend is ... But I consider you my best friend.

Lately, I've been on the verge of tears all of the time. Most of the time anyway. I'm never quite sure why exactly. In school you want me to touch you at certain times, other times you do not. I never know when I'm supposed to. :( It somewhat hurts me too. With every pair of headlights that go by my house my heart pounds faster and I become so hopeful.

My mom is asleep on the couch. Is this what my life will become? Raising kids? Constantly cleaning? I don't want that. Kids most likely won't happen. I dont think I could handle that. At all.

One day I'll end up in prision for stealing everything. I'll jack my cable, internet, and phone services. Trust me, it can be done. Why are things so stupid?

Telling the truth to everyone isn't working out too nice.
I'm sick of being overtalked. Tired of not being listened to.
One day they all will hear me. I promise.

I pulled some ghetto kids pants down today. ^.^
Hugged Randy in the hall because he deserved it. What a shy kid, it's sick.

Die white girls, die.
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