Finished Black & White..... It's not a perfect drama but stayed highly enjoyable till the end and now holds the nbr 1 TW-drama spot with ToGetHer. :) I loved the cast! Even the bit parts were manned to a T. It's always lovely when that happens. Mark Zhao... what can I say. He's hot! XD Boy really shot to fame through this one, he's very much on demand now. Not that I'm complaning, we'll probably see more of him in the future.
Here's a nice little article I found.
The ending was...... well, not exactly what I expcted. It was such a 'hollywood ending' - Team GoodGuys saves the day and no-one dies. Bit of a letdown that. Oh well, I'm ok with it as in some level I was hoping for them to pull through, no matter how unrealistic that may be. Yay! for the baddie turned goodie - I was happy my guess about The Assassin Twin coming to the rescue of Lan Xi Ying came true. The Burger Girl turning out to be one of Zarkozy wasn't all that big a surprise either. LOL! I guess I've watched too many cop/action things in my life to be easily fooled. Quite a few loose ends left hanging but that was done purposefully. There's going to be a film that'll finish this thing off. Filming is supposed to start in the autumn with the same cast. I wonder if they are going to bring Xiao Ma back. I hope so, he's lovely. ;P And worth a spinoff of his own.
I've already stated I love the OST. Found this while looking for something quite else. *g*
Mark and Color singing the opening theme "Rogue Justice" live.
Click to view
And if you feel the need to sing along, vid contains lyrics. :) English translations of the songs can be found