Tiger & Dragon stayed true to form till the end. The tone got more serous but celebrating the silliness of life was never forgotten. The good, the bad and the ugly - it's all part of life. And sometimes you just have to grin and bear. Besides celebrating life T&D is an 'ode' to friendship and families. Both friends and families come in all sorts of packages. ;) Anyway, this is the drama to watch when you are feeling down. You'll be laughing through your tears before you even know it. I loved the ending, the whole final ep was lovely. Kotora and Ryuji is such an adorakble duo. Slashing aside, they are almost closer than real brothers in the end, such an unlikely pairing, ha. The Tiger and The Dragon. And the whole - extended - Yanaka family is a bunch of adorable loonies! *g* Gosh, I love Nishida Toshiyuki who plays the father/Rakukoga master. He's amazing!
Stuff you find while trawling the net.... Nagase is the youngest member of Tokio and Okada is the youngest member of V6. Yes, I do research too. LOL
Oh, I also like the ending song UTAO-UTAO, by... um, V6. As the end credits roll the whole damned cast is there, singing their heads off.
Talking about music... I've had Tokio's Sorafune going on endelss loop in my head for days now. Which is why I'm now spreading the disease sharing the fun.
Well, you can always turn the sound off and just enjoy the scenery. It has rain and wet, albeit non-filly shitage in it. Unfortuately it's also non-gaping. Sorry. ;) (and I'm finding it such a hoot how surprised ppl are that it's actually Nagase singing *snort*)
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