miss_dian and
dangermousie, you were so right - Pride is a keeper!
In real life I don't have much interest in watching sports but I do have a thing for sports oriented films, ha. Pride fits in this category too (even if it's a series), though it's much more than just that.
I really liked the fact that Pride is a proper drama with people who feel real. Their lives feel real too. Surprisingly, I also liked the fact that The Game; ice-hockey was depicted almost as one of the characters, another love of Halu's. Handled this way it had much more meaning in the story, than if it had been just a plot device. I've never been a fan of any team sports so the aspects of this particular kind of fandom always bemuse me a bit. Still, after a couple of episodes even I got the urge to grab the left side of my shirt, with far away look in me eyes. And ice-hockey especially leaves me completely cold in RL! lol! Of course, Pride has the normal sporty clichés as well; the stadium rock, slow-mo, teem spirit rising moments, male bonding etc but it was never annoying. Here's a snark though; Queen?! I've nothing against Queen, I love the guys but seriously, could they not pick something less obvious? Or perhaps it was done in purpose. Maybe. lol! At least they didn't use "Final Countdown" by Europe - now that would have truly been baaaaad....
The cast of characters was great and the main ones all showed change and growth like it would be for real too. The only thing that irritated me a bit was Aki's waffling between the two guys but that's just me. I wouldn't have waited for a guy that dropped totally out of contact above few months let alone two years. And I certainly would not have chosen him afterwards, especially instead of someone as lovely as Halu, ha. Sure, he had his issues but he was willing to deal with them and finally let go and love.
It goes without saying that I love Halu, he's such a wonderful character, many sided. Though and soft at the same time, funny, clearly intelligent, so endearingly dorky at times, entirely on the side of those he cares for, a good friend, passionate about his chosen profession, not averse to changing his views, willing to take a risk for his love..... in all, entirely far too lovable, ha. Can I marry him, please? He's the heart and soul of his team and the series too. And Kimura Takuya was the perfect choice to play him.
Ah, Kimura Takuya, what can I say, he's a nice new acquaintance. Not what you'd really call good looking, or even all that handsome and decidedly not one of the 'pretty boys'. But he's got something much more potent than mere looks and he's got IT in spades. Namely, something we here call "stage charisma". It's of course more apparent in live performers but you can't help but to notice it even in films or TV. Coupled with good acting skills, that kind of charisma is lethal.
You know how some words in one language can mean something entirely different in another? Well, Halu written just like that translates as 'lust' or 'desire' in Finnish. Quite appropriate, I'd say. ;P