Lately I find my thoughts turning frequently to The Legend. The Dam Deok theme seems to be endlessly playing in my head too. Luckily I like it or I’d be severely pissed by now. :) What Legend, you ask. Well, it’s this rather awesome Korean drama that
alexandal introduced me to (thanks a bunch - I know have even less show-free time than before ;P) a while back. I just knew I’d be hooked when I saw her
set of icons from the show, followed by a lovely
So, what’s it all about then? It’s a period/costume/history/fantasy show that in quality wise looks more like a movie than your garden variety TV show. It’s been compared to The Lord of Rings and with good cause. I’m not going more into what The Legend is about.
dangermousie has done a great rec about it
here, I could not do it any better. Go look see if you want to know more.
I’m new to Asian TV drama. The Legend is the first one I’ve watched so far (I’m now on ep 12) and I’m finding it quite wonderfully pleasing. I’ve been trying to pinpoint what it is that I like so much and as per usual fail miserably, LOL. I think it’s the whole package really, the “period/costume/history/fantasy” bit, ha. It’s also one of the most beautifully filmed things I’ve seen in a long while, with music to match. I also like the characters very much, even the baddies. The evil lord is so deliciously villainous it’s fun to watch. (I'm of the opinion that he and the Sheriff from Robin Hood would make a lovely couple, ha) Save for him, the characters are not really evil, just very human in their failings. Love plays a major part in the configuration. It's an epic after all!
Even though some of the faces look familiar enough for me to have seen them somewhere I could not name anyone from the cast if my life depended on it. Well, I know Bae Yong Joon (or how the hell his name is supposed to be written in western alphabet) now. He's got one of those asian faces that looks quite unfathomable, save for the eyes and mouth that can be very expressive. This is my first encounter with him so I have no idea how he comes across in other parts he's played but in The Legend his acting is very economical, it's all in those eyes and mouth of his and understated body language. In fact, it reminds me of John Simm in LoM. The overall feel of the show (exempting those characters that have a more comic tint) is quite collected, serene even which is something I'm liking a lot. Oh, there is drama/action and raw emotion a-plenty but only when the story calls for it. A lot is conveyed just by small gestures, touch, turn of a head, the way someone stands etc.... and use of colour. I'm sure there is a lot of symbolism that goes unnoticed by someone like me who's not Asian nor a student of local culture and mores. But it's a story of human beings and underneath we are all more or less alike. Love, passion, friendship, hatred, jealousy.... it's all universal.