Feb 15, 2011 04:12
Oh crap! I just finished the last aired epi of Once Upon a Time in Saengchori and it's 4am!!! *headdesk* How did I end up here again? I'm an idiot but what can you do. Note to self.... never start watching a drama when it's 8pm. You never know when 'I'll just watch an episode' will turn into a marathon. This is such a strange drama, silghtly OT but oddly endearing at the same time. I'm now totally hooked and can't wait to see how it'll end. I'm even shipping the OTP (OMG! that kiss was.... hot) and will throw a fit if they don't hook up in the end. Yup, pigs will apparently fly too. LOL!
Guess I'll head for bed now and get a few hours of shuteye. At least I don't have to be at work tomorrow as I've got a day off.
once upon a time in saengchori