The Birth of the Rich was surprisingly addicting. It starts out kinda slow but picks up speed as the episodes go. I ended up marathoning most of it because I sort of got drawn into the mystery of Suk Bong's father. Who IS he? Will Suk Bong find him? I also liked the cast of characters very much and enjoyed their various interactions.
I quite understand why it got a 4 episode extension. It's very likeabale and easy to watch with just a hint of angst to spice things up a bit. It's like they picked up a bunch of drama clichés and run with them while having quite a bit of fun. There's.... Loads-a Chebols. Drama sickness. A Long Lost Parent. Mixed up identities. Family secrets. Shady shenenigans. Very Serious K-drama Business Deals™. Among other things.
Instead of The Icy Businessman and Spunky Poor Girl we get a no nonsence, penny pincing businesswoman and a spunky poor guy... who's rather charming as he's played by Ji Hyun Woo. They have the trademark Bad First Meeting but it's established pretty early on that they are in fact made for each other. :D There's also a Prince Charming who turns out to be not so charming and the Crazy Secondary Girl who's not.... really. Crazy, I mean. Just a bit dim and spoiled rotten but underneath all that bluster she's actually not so bad at all, albeit somewhat deranged - in a good way. LOL! I think she may well have been my favourite character as Lee Si Young is a total hoot in the role. The supporting cast is fun in various vays and has the usual plethora of assistants, secretaries and what not with their own cute OTPs. The only truly ebil character was Prince Charming's daddy dearest and he got his just desserts.
Of course it wouldn't be a drama with Ji Hyun Woo if they didn't make him sing and play guitar. Why waste the talent, right? *g* He also has a piano battle with Nam Goong Min (Da Other Guy). Quite a fun scene actually. Hmmm... NBG has a lovely, gravelly voice that was quite a surprise, ha. I wonder if he's been away doing his military service as his last acting stint was in a 2007 film.
A fun sidenote. In the early episodes, whom did I spot but my favourite sidekick from Kingdom of the Winds, Maro aka Jang Tae Sung in a very minor role. He's so thin now I almost didn't recognise him! I wonder if he's been getting dieting tips from SIG....
Have cute OTP MV :)
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