you know what goes well with chai? cupcakes! and more chai

Sep 03, 2010 14:39

A day off, and it’s too hot to go out and actually do much, so cadragongirl and I are holed up at Panera. I am spectacularly failing to write my staff rec for Plain Kate, because I love it like burning and keep getting sucked into re-reading bits and crying and then failing to have the right words.

But it’s nice to have a day with air conditioning and computers and time to just write. I should be doing other things, but I really need this day to just sit and drink chai and write. I’ve been full of ennui lately; the hot weather makes me grumpy and lethargic. Now that I’m full of chai and AC, though, I kind of want to go dancing.

Last Friday M and I walked down Faneuil Hall to the waterfront, then around the back of the aquarium where you can see the seals from outside. Yay! We window-shopped our way back (I was unexpectedly impressed by American Eagle Outfitters jewelry--think it was AE, anyway), and I bought an outrageously expensive (but delicious!) bag of chocolate chip cookies at Quincy market. A good afternoon. I will keep it in my memory to ward off feelings of inadequacy when they come prowling.

In other news, I think I should dye my hair red while I still work at a bookstore and am living the carefree young life. On the one hand, I want to get a job in publishing. On the other hand, I want to continue living the carefree young life. I want, I want, I want.

Note to self: lay off the black v-neck of shoulder-baring awesome. For some reason it has been garnering me a lot of sleazy looks this week. Ugh.

And now, a word or two about Mockingjay! Um, probably kind of spoilery. And super vague. Sorry. But mostly about ships, which are not really the point of the books anyway.

I thought it was brave, and not entirely pleasant, to let--perhaps to make-- Katniss be destroyed by the war, as she is. I totally cracked up at this part, though:

GALE: Here, have some water.
PEETA: Thanks, man.
GALE & PEETA: Awkward love triangle is awkward.

And how much do I love Katniss for going, okay, you guys are going to spin the love triangle like this? F*** that, I don’t need either of you.

And at that point in the narrative, she doesn’t need either of them.

But on the topic of Katniss/Peeta, and the misguided souls who call him wimpy: seriously, what’s gonna be wrong with a guy who can bleed all over the cave floor, endure unimaginable physical and mental torment, and at the end of it all can still make you cookies? Post-traumatic cookies, but still. Wimpy? I think people underestimate the importance of cake.

In the circles I've been keeping up with, the Peeta or Gale? debate has turned into cupcakes vs venison. And between cupcakes and venison, I think Katniss is right to choose cupcakes. Hello, this is Katniss. If she wants venison? She can go out and shoot her own damn venison.

Which was, I thought, kind of the whole point.

By the time Mockingjay rolls around, I think Katniss/Gale vs Katniss/Peeta really illustrates the soulmates vs true loves point that Hana Yori Dango tries and generally fails to articulate with Makino/Rui and Makino/Domyouji: namely, that sometimes there is a difference.

Uh, narratively. I make no claims about any of this applying to real life.

Anybody else wanna weigh in? Make a case for Team Venison? Tell me to get my act together and explain myself better? I may edit this in a bit anyway.

manga, anime, food, books, chai, kdramas, boston, jdramas

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