Jun 24, 2005 17:24
So far so good. The list of things I made to do are reachable goals so I don't have an excuse if I don't achieve them. I'm really proud of myself also. Today after yoga, I walked for little over a mile on the treadmill and then went to the ellipticle. I'm trying to build up some strength in my legs since I'm going to be walking so much. Hey, have you ever wondered how your mind is capable of storing thousands of songs, almost to the point where you can here the singer singing, not yourself? I was just wonder because while working out I keep replaying Daniel Beddingfield's song "I gotta get though this" over and over again. What was surprising was that it actually worked.
I took my cat back to the vet today. He said everything looked good and that he still needs to be inside, so I can give him his medication on time, but that's only for five more days, so it should go by fast. They took his cast off, which is kinda sad because he looked so darn cute trying to walk on it and hold himself up. Oh well.
I've finally figured out what who Eric kind of looked liked. (boy from Wisconsin) If anyone has seen Friday Night Lights he looks similar to the boy with Tom Mcgraw as the father. Similar not exactly.
Tonight Steph called and we are going to see a movie in Paris with Keisha. It should be fun, Steph is going more for a guy than the movie, but there's no harm in that. :) I'll write tomorrow and let you know all the details......... Tomorrow is going to suck. I have to wake up early and travel to Indy to pick up my currency, then we're going to go out to dinner at some steak restuarant. Now don't get me wrong cows are fine, especially when they arn't mowing at you , but I just don't see the point in paying a whole lot for something that you just dous with steak sauce anyway. Plus, I always seem to get it in my teeth. :( I would much rather prefer cajun cuisine. All those crawfish and crab legs and ship. OOOOOOhhhhhhhhh. it is so good. We went to this restuarant and they had voodoo rolls. It was a croissant with crawfish, cheese and maybe some hot sauce. They were the shiznit. I literally stole a whole plate of them from the rest of my family so that I could take them to the hotel and eat them there. If I could drive like a doped up crazy person and be able to stand even more humidity I think I could live in Louisiana. Most of my family is there anyway. At least the ones I like. So, we will see. I also liked Colorado. All the cute hicks in Wrangler jeans with cowboy boots and a nice button down shirt or a muscle shit whichever. Cowboy hat or baseball hat with the sunglass on the rim. Oh, can't forget the fish hook either. Man, I really need to join 4H. lol I really think that I will whenever they let people join this time. I want to take a photography class, sketching class(if they have one) and maybe a shooting or archery class. The only thing about the shooting and archery class would be that the instructor would probably confuse because he will have a different technique then my dad. Any whoo I better go give my cat his medication so I don't have to worry about it when I get back. TTYL