(no subject)

Jul 06, 2008 12:45

So I'm reading a random biography of Elizabeth Taylor that's like...500 pages long. And I can't put it down. This woman is fascinating. So I've been in a "LETS WATCH ELIZABETH TAYLOR MOVIES" phase for about a week.

So I get Netflix last night and I'm adding things and such, and I was like "o0o0o Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?!!!!" and Emily's like "I have that." and I'm like "WHAT?" and she goes "I got it from netflix today." and I'm like "You got an Elizabeth Taylor movie and you DIDNT TELL ME?" and she's like "Uh I don't know." and I was like "Why is it not in the dvd player 5 minutes ago?" So we put it on, but it was already 3:30 in the morning so we both fell asleep. I watched about 30 minutes and then shut it off. Well I'm watching it now, and I love it!

I think I'm going to go make food?

Thank you all for the movie and book suggestions! I will definitely use them! If you didn't make a suggestion and want to now, be my guest and leave some here. I don't care. lol
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