They found out....

May 03, 2005 18:33

Yes, my parents know now. They know I lied, they know who's house it was. This is effign gay. They say they can't trust emf or a really long time and I can't go newhere for the longest time (even after skool gets out) they say I can't talk on the phone and that they wont trust me like forever.

But I don't blame them.

When my Dad asked me if it was worth it, I didn't say nething, bcuz in my head, it kinda was. I told them I did it bcuz theyve been way to strict on me, and I knew there was no other way I could ever go to a party bcuz they r just too strict, and never would've let me and I knew they were gonna say no. And my dad said yes, they were goign to say no. and I said, Exactly. Then I walked away shaking my head at them.

I guess I wont be writing in ehre for a while. I deserve to get all my privlidges taken away bcuz I lied. But they deserve to feel like bad parents for not letting me ever go to ne parties, and for being WAYY beyond srtict w/ everything when I'm freakin like 15. They saw it coming and so did I.

I just wanna cuss
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