What can I say? I'm a twit...
- 13:38 is amused at how chilly it is in SF right now. #
- 20:38 hopes that the Stripes kick ass tonight... And that business picks up at the bar. Lol #
- 23:33 thanks the forces of hope! Not only has it been a pleasantly busy night, but I hear the Stripes kicked some major butt! #
- 23:41 @ electrichobbit: Thats hot! #
- 00:05 @ skywaterlv: My favorite was Q Squared, thouh Probe was also really good. Vendetta deserves an honorable mention... #
- 01:05 @ electrichobbit: That goes without saying! I wish he's been *here* which is easier, but not to be. My empathy, good sir. #
- 01:45 @ skywaterblue: yeah, but it's so hard to remember, though... Lol #
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