sugareey -
One drawable in either pencil, ink, or digitally for fan art or original art. Make sure you let me know if you want a background! GRAPHICS
dr_kittym -
Between 25 and 175 icons (if lower than 50, a wallpaper or header or both can be thrown in) radioactivepiss -
15 100x100 icons. (They can be shareable or exclusive for you; your choice!) jettakd -
100 icons, of any fandom or non-fandom subject. The only thing I ask is that the request is SFW. rocketgirl2 -
at least 5 icons AUDIO/VIDEO MEDIA
timemachineyeah -
One AMV for any song/character/pairing of your choice from any listed fandom(s) glass_moment -
Fanvid, minimum one minute (higher bids = longer vids) FANFICTION
old_blueeyes -
Three drabbles, prompts/pairings/fandom to be decided by the bidder grouply_hugging -
Fanfiction hoosierbitch -
One story, minimum 750 words. blueskypenguin -
A new fic of at least 3000 words in a fandom of your choice, with your choice of pairing/prompt. LAST UPDATED CIRCA 11PM JUNE 25
If you noticed anything wrong with this list, let me know so I can fix it, and if you think I missed your auction and would like it included, let me know!