Jun 17, 2007 02:13
"There's an old joke - um... two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort, and one of 'em says, "Boy, the food at this place is really terrible." The other one says, "Yeah, I know; and such small portions." Well, that's essentially how I feel about life - full of loneliness, and misery, and suffering, and unhappiness, and it's all over much too quickly." - Woody Allen
Well, that's pretty much the best way to begin this post. Sometimes I feel as if my life is a waste. I mean, I'm getting my degree sometime, working hard for it, and not hard enough. Not to mention that I have a job now and am busy and stressed with that. But in the end, what's it going to be worth? Sure I want to make the big bucks that come with it, but that's ultimately not what's driving me to do what I do. So I ask myself what is that is driving me? I immediately think creation and helping people...but am I going to make a difference? Is it worth it? Should I live a selfish [more] life instead?
Here are some [old] things I have been into lately. If you get a chance, experience them yourself.
The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
The Beatles - Sgt Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band, the whole album
Annie Hall, the movie
Listening to the Beatles more lately has made me appreciate their music, in a way that, it is truly pleasurable to listen to it.
And that's about it. Well, except for me being incredibly distanced. Screw that!
/worst post ever