Eating Habits

May 31, 2015 00:54

Title: Eating Habits
Author: Timelordshines, Iantojjackh
Characters: Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness
Challenge: Written for tw100 Challenge #336 - Junk Food
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.

“The others have gone home Sir,” Ianto said, putting the coffee down on Jack’s desk. “I’ve got some work to finish up in the archives before I leave. Could be a couple more hours. I was going to order some food. Want some?”

Ianto couldn’t face eating alone, before coming back to tend to Lisa.

“Yeah, sure.” Jack answered sounding surprised.

“Pizza? Chips? Burger?”

“How about Chinese?” Jack asked gently. “You eat too much junk. You need to eat more vegetables. You look kind of pale. Are you ill?” Jack seemed concerned.

“I’m Welsh. Pale is the default.” Ianto deadpanned.

tw_fic, pg, ianto_jones, jack_harkness, drabble

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