
Aug 25, 2014 19:43

Title: Finally
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Gray
Challenge: Written for tw100 Challenge #318 - Long Overdue
Rating: PG-13
Words: 100
Spoilers: S2E13
Disclaimer: Characters and situations belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Author's Note: Sequel to Sorry

“Sorry’s not good enough.” Gray schemed his revenge as he hugged his brother

‘There was no way of knowing how long I was there watching the others slowly die. My hope dying with them.

I dreamed you would come back for me. My big brother wouldn’t let me down would he?

Of course you would. You didn’t care.

You let go of my hand.

Every time one of my companions breathed their last breath I wished it was me.

Corpses everywhere and yet still I lived.

I know why I was spared now.

Finally I get to take my revenge.’

tw_fic, pg-13, drabble, gray

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