
Jan 04, 2014 09:27

Title: Angels
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Jack Harkness, real!Jack, Toshiko Sato
Rating: 15
Words: 1073
Spoilers: S1E12.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for hc_bingo prompt "Disappearing".

“God James, what are you doing to me?” Jack Harkness thought as he looked across the dance floor to where Captain James Harper sat with his friend Toshiko.

Jack felt his pulse and breathing quicken as his eyes roamed over the other man. Broad shoulders, strong jaw line, the most amazing soft full lips, and his eyes… Those twin pools of blue, he could lose himself in those eyes. But, wait… were his eyes red rimmed? The Captain was talking, but Jack couldn’t hear what he said over the noise of the music and general chit chat in the room. He watched as Toshiko reached out and covered James’ hand with her own. Whatever he was telling her was upsetting him. Jack watched as James closed his eyes, shutting out the pain and bowed his head briefly taking a shuddering breath. Then he slowly raised his head and looked directly across the crowded room, right at Captain Jack, and in that moment Jack realised that he would do anything to make the captain smile, to wipe that sad look off his face.

The singer’s voice floated across to him; “that certain night, the night we met, there was magic abroad in the air…”

Jack was mesmerised. He could feel the magic as he locked eyes with the other captain. James dipped his eyes briefly, as if nodding in invitation and Jack didn’t need asking twice. He pushed himself away from the wall and strode across the floor, his feet moving before his head had chance to tell him this was a really bad idea. Walking through the dancers he never once took his eyes off Captain Harper.

Reaching Captain Harper’s table, Jack took his hand and James got to his feet willingly, following him onto the dance floor. Holding the captain close, the rest of the room, the world, melted away. Jack knew that everyone would be staring at them, but in that moment it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but the feeling of the other man in his arms. Jack could feel the heat of James’ flesh beneath his shirt, the strength in the muscles of his back and arms. He breathed in deeply and he could smell James’ heady masculine scent.

Feeling James’ arms come around his own back, Jack relaxed into the embrace. This felt right, gently swaying to the music, alone on the dance floor, cheek to cheek, warm breath tickling his ear.

Dropping his hands down Captain Harper’s arms, tracing the line of his biceps, holding on just above his elbows with James mirroring his actions, the two men pulled apart.
Time stopped for Captain Harkness as he looked into Harper’s eyes, then both men dipped their gaze and leaned in, their mouths so close he could feel James Harper’s breath on his lips. Jack’s heart beat faster. This was it. He was really going to kiss this man. In front of all these people. And it felt so right. James harper was the one person he had been waiting for, without ever knowing it.  He moved to close the final gap… then…Crash!

Jack opened his eyes to be almost blinded by a bright light which had appeared behind James. Toshiko was in the light, shouting frantically,
“Jack!” She wasn’t talking to him.
“Jack, we need to get out!”  Jack realised that she was speaking directly to the other Captain, who had said his name was James.
Jack swallowed past the lump in his throat as he gazed into James Harpers eyes. Tears leaked from the other captain’s eyes as Jack watched him struggle with his conscience.
“Jack, you have to! We need you!” Toshiko begged.
Jack knew what James’, (or was that Jack’s?), answer would be. He was a soldier first and foremost.
“I have to go,” he said, tears rolling down his face.
“It’s my duty.”
Jack looked on as the other captain turned and walked towards the light and his own heart shattered into tiny pieces.
Then, he stopped. Hope flared in Jack Harkness’s heart as the captain turned and strode purposefully back.

The two captains embraced. The kiss was needy, desperate and perfect.  He had said he might have to leave before the end of the night. Jack never thought he meant something like this.

The men looked into each other’s eyes then the other captain turned and followed Toshiko into the light.

Captain Jack Harness saluted. It was the most fitting way he could think of to honour and show his respect to a fellow captain as the other man faded into the light.
He stood to attention and saluted as his heart broke as he watched the enigmatic captain disappear. He felt like he had been punched in the stomach. This man, whom he had known only for a couple of hours, and whose name he probably  didn’t even know had wormed his way into Jack’s heart, his soul, his very being. And then he had just walked out of his life, disappeared for ever.


“Captain?” George asked. “Captain Harkness?” he said again, louder this time and moved forwards towards his leader who stood unmoving his back ramrod straight, shoulders squared, arm up in salute.
“Jack?” George asked gently, his hand on his Captain’s shoulder.
The captain took a deep breath and schooled his features not to betray his feelings. He turned around, expecting everyone to still be staring at him. But amazingly, they were all talking excitedly amongst themselves, all speculating no doubt about the captain and his friend who had joined them, and then left them in such a spectacular unexpected way, disappearing into nowhere.
“Come on Captain, let me buy you a drink. You look like you need it.”
Jack merely nodded, not trusting himself to speak, and meekly followed him to the bar, the music starting up around them and things beginning to return to normal.

George ordered two scotches and handed one to his commanding officer.
“Thank you George,” Jack said roughly. He didn’t just mean for the drink. Without George reaching out the olive branch he would probably have had a lot of awkward questions to answer from everyone present.
“Sir, what were they sir? Were they ghosts?”
“No, they were real.” He certainly felt real.
“Then what were they? How did they disappear like that?”
“There were ‘Angels dancing at the Ritz’,” Jack said with a sad smile, raising his glass. “To Captain James Harper.”

15, tw_fic, hc_bingo, real_jack, jack_harkness, toshiko_sato

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