How Had It Come To This?

Aug 30, 2013 02:14

Title: How Had It Come To This?
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness
Rating: PG-13
Words: 1023
Spoilers: S1E4
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for love_bingo prompt "Friends With Benefits".

Author's note: Many thanks to iantojjackh for suggesting a character pairing and time frame this prompt could work with, and for the beta.

“Thanks Tosh,” Jack said, looking up with a sad little smile.

“I’m sorry it’s only Starbucks,” Tosh replied, putting the coffee down on the desk and leaving the office.

Jack sighed. When had it come to this? It wasn’t just the far superior coffee that he was missing, but the man delivering it as well. Ianto had only taken one day off, to go and visit his sister and Jack was already missing him.

Somehow the incredible young man had got under his defences and into his heart.
Jack had promised himself he would never get so attached to anyone again. He’d been married before and it never ended well. Either he had to leave when it became obvious he wasn’t aging or like Lucia who was Torchwood and so found out the truth, she left him.
Ianto knew the truth, and Jack knew that he would never leave the Welshman, but how long would it be before Ianto broke his heart?

Their relationship was only ever meant to be an office fling, something to relieve the boredom, an appreciation of a gorgeous body in fine Italian suits. But somehow it had become more than that, Jack had fallen hard for the man- his mind, his heart and soul, his intelligence, his compassion and wit.

And Jack never saw it coming.

He had come so close to losing Ianto.

When they discovered Lisa in the basement Jack could have, should have, retconned him and sent him back out into the world with nothing but a few years of missing memories. But Jack couldn’t do that. He knew what it was like to have missing years and to spend your entire life wondering what happened.

And he understood that Ianto did what he did for love. Because he couldn’t bear the thought of losing his girlfriend, he hung on in blind hope, faith and desperation to his tattered dreams long after they had turned to nightmares.

Jack had helped him to pick up the pieces and slowly put himself back together. It had been a long and difficult road, but one that had drawn them closer together until eventually they got to this stage, where Ianto was away for the day and Jack missed him.

He wasn’t just daydreaming about Ianto sprawled across their bed (when had it become ‘theirs’ not ‘his’?), his arse, stuck up in the air, nearly as red as the silk ties that bound his hands and feet, begging for Jack to take him and claim him.

No, he wasn’t just thinking of that. He was missing his conversation and his companionship too. Things just weren’t the same without his best friend and lover.


Ianto drove through the streets of Cardiff, consciously having to remind himself not to break the speed limits as he hurried home to Jack.


When had Jack started to feel like home?

His relationship with Jack was only ever meant to be a means to an end. Working for Torchwood One, he had of course heard of the infamous Captain Jack Harkness and knew of his reputation.

He had needed a way into Torchwood to gain access to its facilities to try and save Lisa. Ianto had tried to show Jack that he could be useful, helping to catch a weevil but that hadn’t worked. He had made Jack a cup of his special blend of coffee, and although he had been impressed, that hadn’t been enough either. No, what had eventually convinced the Captain was when Ianto had caught him and rolled together with him on the floor, coming to rest on top of him, faces inches apart looking into each other’s eyes, bodies pressed together so that Jack could feel how happy Ianto was to be in that position.

Ianto still didn’t know to this day if he had just been turned on by the adrenaline rush, the thrill of the chase in catching the pterodactyl, or if it was a reaction to Jack’s pheromones and the undeniably handsome man pressed up beneath him.

Ianto had never been with a man before, didn’t think he was the type. He guessed he had been wrong. But it wasn’t all men. Just Jack.

Jack had made it no secret that he found Ianto attractive, but then Jack would flirt with anything with a pulse. Ianto had very quickly found that the best way to stop Jack from looking too closely into what he was doing in the basement of the Hub was to distract him with sneaky kisses when the others weren’t looking and well-timed blowjobs when the others were out of the hub.

But then, somehow, Ianto had started to look forward to their trysts. They became more than a way of distracting Jack, they were a distraction for Ianto too. For a brief time he was able to forget about his girlfriend trapped inside a metal cage. He could forget about all the little signs he was trying so desperately to ignore that suggested that the monster was winning and Lisa was becoming less, well, Lisa.

And then that fateful day happened.

He had lost Lisa. He could have lost Jack. He could have lost his life. But he didn’t.

He had lashed out at Jack then calling him a monster, blaming him for what had happened when in reality it was all his fault. He should have told Jack. He should have asked for help. He should have realised that Lisa died at the battle and the thing he had been hiding had just stolen her body and was using it to manipulate him.

And yet somehow, and Ianto would never be able to understand why, Jack had stood by him. He had taken all of Ianto’s shouting, all his accusations, all his punches and he had stood firm, steady as a rock that Ianto had held onto for dear life to keep from being dragged into the storm, the hell of his own making.

Jack had held onto him and helped him to pick up the pieces of his shattered life, pieces that were now inextricably linked with Jack’s own.

15, tw_fic, livejournal, love_bingo, ianto_jones, jack_harkness

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