
Aug 26, 2013 19:47

Title: Introductions
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2128
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for love_bingo prompt "The boy is mine".

Author's note: Many thanks to badly_knitted who helpeed me realise I needed to think outside the box for this prompt and go in a different direction altogether.
Author's note 2: For those on my friend's list, no prizes for guessing where I got the inspiration for this fic!

Ianto pulled the collar of his jacket up against the light drizzle that had started to fall as he hurried along Queen Street. It felt odd to be wearing these clothes again, the denim jacket, faded jeans and red t-shirt making him look and feel younger. He hoped he wasn’t the only one to have decided to revert back to the attire he used to wear at Uni in an attempt to help set the scene and make it easier to slip into the old camaraderie they all used to share. He didn’t want to be the only one who looked like he hadn’t grown up and moved on.

It also felt odd to be going back to his old haunts, the pubs and clubs they used to get wasted in every Saturday night, well, those that hadn’t shut anyway. It’s not that he didn’t go to pubs these days - he’d unwind with the team at their local, occasionally go for a meal and a drink with Jack at one of the nicer gastro pubs, and every so often accompany Tosh to one of the swankier wine bars, but he hadn’t been out clubbing for years.

There didn’t seem much point any more - he didn’t enjoy hangovers, the loud music gave him a headache and he wasn’t on the pull. But tonight was an exception. A whole bunch of people from his Uni had come back to Cardiff to get drunk and relive their student days. According to face book there were going to be around thirty people there - old class mates and plus ones.

Ianto had debated, for all of ten seconds, taking Jack. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to tell his old class mates he had ‘gone bender’ as they would put it. He knew all the people he had been closest to would be fine with it, but he didn’t know how some of the others would react. And then, if they were to meet Jack and he introduced him as his partner, and then Jack spent the entire night flirting with the prettiest girls in the room, how would that look?
He didn’t mind Jack’s flirting - it’s just how he was. In fact Ianto quite liked seeing Jack turn on the charm he found it sexy and quite a turn on to know that Jack never meant anything by it and that he would still choose to go home with Ianto at the end of the night. But he knew that from an outside perspective it didn’t show Jack in a good light and made Ianto look like a spineless idiot for putting up with it.
Not how he wanted his old friends to see him.

Ianto stopped in front of the pub. Looking up he read the sign ‘Buffalo Bar’ and smiled - that brought back memories. Ianto took a deep breath. Why was it that he could face down an angry weevil no problems, but walking into a bar full of people he used to know five years ago terrified him?

He needn’t have worried. It was like stepping back in time. There were a few unfamiliar faces, but the old crowd were all there. Sarah and Carys gossiping over cocktails in the window seat, Charlie gesticulating wildly and nearly spilling his drink everywhere as he regaled Lindsey and Gemma with some tall story or other, and Jamie and Richard over at the bar, already looking a little worse for wear. They had probably been there for hours, but Ianto was willing to bet it hadn’t taken nearly as many drinks to get them to that state as it used to.

Rich looked up and saw him, and raising his glass in salute he shouted out over the music “Hey Ianto, you made it!”
Ianto grinned and made his way to the bar. “What are you drinking?” Jamie asked.
“Carlsburg,” Ianto replied and accepted the drink that was placed in front of him with a nod and smile of thanks before settling in to chat comfortably with his old best mates.

“So,” Rich said some time later, “they’ve got an open mic thing going on upstairs… do you remember any of our old songs?”
Ianto smiled fondly remembering the days of their student band, his inhibitions dimmed by alcohol. “Of course I do.”
“I’m going to go see if I can borrow a guitar,” Richard said. “There’s a drum kit we can use up there. How about you two see if you can round everyone up and we’ll move the party upstairs….”


Meanwhile, Jack had just spent the last half hour chasing a weevil around the streets of downtown Cardiff. Luckily most of the late night revellers they had passed were too drunk to realise what was happening, and had probably just assumed it was some guy in a mask on a stag night prank.
The weevil had finally given him the slip and escaped down into the sewers at the end of Windsor Place. Jack considered following it and then thought better of it. It was ok down there, it probably wouldn’t come back up to the surface for a good long time.

Jack looked around. He needed a drink. There were a couple of bars nearby and Jack headed for the nearest one, drawn by the jazz music coming from the upstairs room.  He got himself a single whiskey and a glass of water from the bar and then settled himself at the back of the room, away from the rowdy crowd that had just come in and were making their way to the tables in the front.
The saxophone and vocal jazz duet were pretty good for an open mic session, and Jack found himself relaxing as he listened to a couple more songs. Then when they had finished their set the compare took the mic and announced the next group, saying that they were in for a change of scene as this band was going to play some heavy rock.

Jack stood up and downed his drink, turning around to put the empty glass on the bar. He was just about to leave when the next singer began to speak.

“Before we begin, I just want to say how great it is to see so many of the class of 2004 back in Cardiff!”
Jack turned around slowly as the rowdy crowd at the front burst into spontaneous applause.
He sat down as the drums and guitar began to play and Ianto began to sing.
Jack knew he had a good voice, but he’d never heard him like this. He looked to be in his element, lost in the music.
God he was beautiful.
Jack sat mesmerised, seeing his lover in a whole new light. The band was pretty good, not really Jack’s type of music, but Ianto was fantastic. The audience seemed to think so too, not just his group of friends but the whole room seemed to be electrified by the pulse of the drums and the combination of angry shouting and beautiful soulful singing.

When they finished their set they stepped down from the stage to rapturous applause. Ianto ws really buzzing, alive with the energy of his performance.

Jack was torn - he didn’t know whether to go over there and congratulate Ianto, or just sneak out the back before Ianto saw him. He hadn’t been invited, after all…. But fate had intervened and he had chosen this bar to drink in.
Jack started to make his way through the crowds.


Ianto felt exhilarated. He hadn’t felt a high like that since they had won battle of the bands in their final year at Uni. Everyone congratulated them as they walked back to their seats.
“Wow, that was amazing,” said Carys shyly.
“I’d forgotten what a sexy voice you had!” Sarah added, draping herself around his waist, “It’s a shame you didn’t bring your girlfriend here tonight - she missed a treat seeing you perform.”
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” Ianto replied automatically.
“We can soon sort that out,” said Gemma, attaching herself to his other side.
Ianto rolled his eyes. He wasn’t nearly as drunk as the others seemed to be and this was quite frankly ridiculous, although he had to admit he did secretly miss the attention that singing in a band got him.
“You’re quite a catch Mr Jones,” Gemma continued leaning into his side and feeling his biceps, “You’ve got a great voice, and have you been working out?”

Jack took in the scene in front of him and was surprised by how quickly the green eyed monster reared its ugly head - all these people he didn’t know laying claim to his gorgeous and talented Ianto.
He wrapped his arms around his lover from behind and rested his chin on Ianto’s shoulder. “Sorry ladies,” he said, “the boy is mine.”
Ianto spun around so quickly he almost knocked poor Sarah off her feet. “Jack!” he hissed, “what the hell are you doing here?”
“I was just working nearby.” Jack said, his face a picture of innocence.
“Jack’s my boss,” Ianto explained to his friends, leaving Jack in no doubt that if he were to expand on the nature of their relationship he would be drinking decaf for life.
“Excuse us,” Ianto said, grabbing jack’s hand and dragging him away.

“So, work? Everything under control?” Ianto asked, his professional mask slipping back into place even as he struggled to conceal his anger.
“Weevil. It’s dealt with.” Jack replied.
“Then what the fuck are you doing here?” Ianto asked again, “did you follow me?”
“No! The chase ended at the top of the road when the weevil ducked into the sewer. I realised I could use a drink and decided to come in here when I heard the saxophone music. They were pretty good.”
Ianto just glared daggers at him and Jack could tell he wasn’t buying it, even though it was the truth.

“Why didn’t you tell me where you were? Or that you’d be singing?” Jack asked.
“Because I haven’t seen these people for years. They don’t know I’m involved with a man and I didn’t know how they’d react to it. Plus, I know what you’re like.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jack hissed, angry but not wanting to raise his voice and show Ianto up.
“I’d introduce you as my boyfriend and you’d spend the whole night flirting with everyone else.”
Jack put his hand on Ianto’s arm, trying to calm his lover and let him know that he only had eyes for him.
Ianto looked down at Jack’s hand and then back up at his face raising his eyebrows.
“Oh, right.” Jack said removing his hand.

“Are you happy, with us?” Jack asked, “I mean, if I stop flirting?”
“I don’t want you to stop flirting Jack,” Ianto said softly, smiling and shaking his head, “it’s quite a turn on actually, to know that everyone in the room fancies you, but I’m the one going home with you. Just tone it down a bit tonight yeah?”
Jack grinned, “Does that mean I can stay?”
“Yes,” Ianto smiled.
“But do I have to pretend just to be your boss and your friend?”
“No,” said Ianto taking his hand, “you asked if I was happy with us and I am. I’m not a hypocrite and I’m not a coward. I’m going to go over there and tell everyone we are together. If they don’t like it then so what? I haven’t seen any of them in years it’s no biggie if they don’t want to see me again.” Ianto smiled although he was biting his bottom lip and looked nervous. Jack found it utterly adorable, but he wasn’t going to tell Ianto that - it took a lot of guts to do what Ianto was about to do in this day and age and Jack was proud of him.

Jack cupped Ianto’s face with his free hand and looked into his eyes, “have I ever told you how wonderful you are Ianto? You are smart, gorgeous, funny, brave, intelligent, sexy and you have one hell of a singing voice,” Jack smiled tenderly at him.
Ianto brought his other hand up to the back of Jack’s head and crushed their lips together for a kiss so intense that Ianto forgot where he was, and who was watching.

Several minutes later, Jack pulled back and looked into Ianto’s face, complete with kiss swollen lips and dazed expression. “Best go introduce me to your friends,” he grinned.
Ianto blushed furiously.

When his skin had returned to its normal colour he squeezed Jack’s hand in a death grip and walked confidently back to his friends.
"Everyone, this is Jack. My partner.”

tw_fic, love_bingo, ianto_jones, jack_harkness, pg-13

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