Don't Let Him Get To You

Aug 16, 2013 00:03

Title: Don't Let Him Get To You
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Ianto Jones, Owen Harper, Jack Harkness
Rating: 15
Words: 500
Spoilers: S2E4, S1E4, S1E13, S2E1
Disclaimer: Characters, situations and dialogue belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for love_bingo prompt "Indifference".

Don't Let Him Get To You )

15, tw_fic, love_bingo, owen_harper, ianto_jones, jack_harkness

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Comments 10

too_beauty August 16 2013, 01:14:07 UTC
love them all but the last one was wonderful! poor "blind" Owen!


timelordshines August 16 2013, 21:48:54 UTC
:-) Thank you.

Yeah, Owen can be blind sometimes. And also he enjoys teasing Ianto.
But Ianto was able to set him straight in the last drabble :-)


iantojjackh August 16 2013, 22:55:31 UTC
Aww yah,. Go Ianto.


timelordshines August 17 2013, 16:58:31 UTC
Yup, Ianto wins! :-)


tardisjournal August 17 2013, 01:31:14 UTC
Ha! That ending was awesome. Owen really had it coming, and yet he never saw it coming, did he? I guess technically it's still Owen 4, Ianto 1--but what a "1"! :D


timelordshines August 17 2013, 16:59:16 UTC
I think Ianto's one more than makes up for Owen's four! :-)


jo02 August 17 2013, 04:37:06 UTC

Best. Comeback. Ever :)


timelordshines August 17 2013, 15:16:19 UTC
Hehe thanks :-)
I'd love to have seen Owen's face!


badly_knitted August 17 2013, 18:09:48 UTC
Heehee! That shut Owen up! Why would Ianto need 'a proper boy or girlfriend' when he has a fiance?

I'm amazed how much restraint Ianto was able to show through all the other taunts. I would have clobbered Owen the first time he said anything.


timelordshines August 19 2013, 23:29:36 UTC
Lol, yeah Owen was really asking for a black eye wasn't he?
But Ianto was too insecure in his relationship with Jack to begin with.
As soon as he realised Jack wasn't going anywhere he was able to remain indifferent to Owen's taunts, and eventually get one over on him! :-)


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