
Aug 11, 2013 00:44

Title: Conversations
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones
Rating: NC-17
Words: 1806
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for love_bingo prompt "Kinks"
Conversations )

nc-17, tw_fic, love_bingo, ianto_jones, jack_harkness

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Comments 15

too_beauty August 11 2013, 01:16:51 UTC
wow that was sexy and sweet at the same time! Their lovemaking was so filled with such deep feelings .... lovely!
I am looking forward to reading more conversations like this!


timelordshines August 12 2013, 21:42:54 UTC
:-) Thank you.
I enjoyed writing this one, and if my muses ever work out how to finish this conversation I would like to write part two!


tardisjournal August 11 2013, 01:51:11 UTC
Whoo, that was smoking! I loved the leisurely conversation, and the way Jack started it off with innocuous turn-on's. That's actually a good way to ease into that often awkward topic! I liked hearing about what each of them liked, and I have a feeling know where the bare feet reference came from! ;)

Great job. If they ever get to part two of that conversation, I'd love to "hear" about it! :)


timelordshines August 12 2013, 21:49:26 UTC
:-) thank you. It was fun to write and explore some of their turn ons.

Yeah that is where the barefoot thing came from... although he wasn't wearing jeans. He had on cargo shorts but the look was just as good :-)

I wish I could remember where the nipple ring kink came from. I read a fic a while ago where Ianto had his nipple pierced and someone, maybe Gwen? saw him topless after a shower and I suddenly realised how hot that could be! Wish I could credit the author but I have no idea. I really need to keep better track of the fics I've read.

The second half of that conversation could be fun :-) I meant to write the whole thing this time and investigate their more intimate kinks, but when Ianto mentioned RAF Captains the boys just got carried away and the whole conversation got derailed. Who was I to argue with the muses?


tardisjournal August 13 2013, 01:55:18 UTC
I think iantojjackh wrote a nipple ring fic--might check to see if that's one of hers. :)


iantojjackh August 13 2013, 02:02:45 UTC

iantojjackh August 11 2013, 04:05:47 UTC
Hmm very very hot. I can so see them having this conversation.


timelordshines August 12 2013, 21:50:12 UTC
Thanks :-)
It's Jack. Of course he's going to ask those questions!


badly_knitted August 11 2013, 17:23:19 UTC
Oooh, really love this one! A lovely scene with the chatting happily while lazily lounging in bed, slow kisses, teasing, and steamy sex. Perfect Sunday morning fic.

I wish Jack could get the Torchwood logo tattooed on his arse and have it stay - he's practically property of Torchwood anyway. Then get a coffee cup on the other cheek to proclaim himself Property of Ianto Jones.


timelordshines August 12 2013, 21:54:51 UTC
Thank you :-)
They had a really perfect Sunday morning.

Lol. Of course, why didn't I think of the coffee cup motif as how to represent Ianto?! I was being a bit slow obviously!


badly_knitted August 12 2013, 22:04:50 UTC
Happens to us all!


jo02 August 13 2013, 10:50:08 UTC

I found this quite clever as it made my mind wander off and start thinking about how almost any mundane or everyday thing can be sensual if you take the time to look at it properly. Thank you.


timelordshines August 13 2013, 11:42:07 UTC
Thank you.
Yes it can... And Jack has all the time in the world- he can look properly :-)


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