The One

Jul 23, 2013 18:22

Title: The One
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Real_Jack
Rating: 15
Words: 513
Spoilers: S1E12
Disclaimer: Characters belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for love_bingo prompt "Mister Right"( The One )

15, tw_fic, love_bingo, real_jack

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Comments 5

too_beauty July 23 2013, 18:04:49 UTC
what a nice and heartfelt insight of real Captain Jack!


timelordshines July 25 2013, 19:51:33 UTC
Thank you :-)
I like real Jack and was pleased I managed to find a prompt I could use to write about him.


badly_knitted July 24 2013, 18:17:24 UTC
*sniffle* Poor real Jack, only finding out who he really is and what he really wants on the night before he dies. That he dies young when he's a good and honourable man who could have gone on to great things is bad enough, for for it to happen when he's just starting to understand himself makes it doubly tragic.


timelordshines July 25 2013, 19:54:15 UTC
Yeah it was such a shame that he had to die so young. He would have been honoured that our Jack took his name and carried on fighting to save the world.
At least he did find out who he is and what he wants before he died. He had those few moments of happiness dancing with Torchwood Jack. (Not to mention that really hot kiss!)


tardisjournal August 11 2013, 02:08:28 UTC
Very moving! I always wondered what Real Jack knew about himself, and when he knew it. I loved how you describe the lack of a certain something he feels with women, and that he finds the noises in the barracks more arousing than any date he was on. Very plausible back in an era when being gay really, really wasn't talked about. Poor (Real) Jack. :(


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