Who Was Yours?

Jun 16, 2013 17:42

Title: Who Was Yours?
Author: Timelordshines
Characters: Gwen Cooper, Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness
Rating: PG-13
Words: 500
Spoilers: S1E4, S2E11
Disclaimer: Characters, situations and dialogue belong to RTD and the BBC - I’m just borrowing them.
Written for love_bingo prompt "First Love ( Read more... )

jack_harkness, pg-13, toshiko_sato, tw_fic, love_bingo, ianto_jones, gwen_cooper, owen_harper

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Comments 10

kul_breez June 16 2013, 19:53:30 UTC
Gwen and her games.... this is wonderful!


timelordshines June 18 2013, 20:24:37 UTC
Thank you :-)
Gwen should have learnt not to play those games after the last one!


tardisjournal June 17 2013, 00:24:47 UTC
This was very moving. I loved that Ianto has moved on enough to remember the good times with Lisa fondly, and to see things in perspective. And even Jack's answer wasn't as flip or dismissive of the Team's feelings as it usually is. My heart breaks for Owen and Tosh, for different reasons, though I'm glad Owen has Jack and Tosh has Ianto there to understand and support them. And Gwen's answer seemed fitting, and for once it didn't seem like she was rubbing their faces in her "perfect" relationship!

Overall, a much cheerier result than Gwen's last game! :D


timelordshines June 18 2013, 21:46:57 UTC
Thank you :-)
It wasnt meant to be cheery particularly. More just Gwen putting her foot in things as usual, unintentionally hurting those around her.
It was meant to be bitter sweet because although the others have all suffered, they all have each other to see them through the pain and to a happier place (if someone would just kick Owen until he realises what he is missing!)
Gwen wasn't rubbing their faces in her perfect life. It really was an innocent question - she expected them all to talk about something from their childhood as she had but, as Owen pointed out, they were thinking of real love and she was thinking of her first crush - the first time she really saw a person in that way.


too_beauty June 17 2013, 02:45:06 UTC
I love everyone's answers but Owen's and Tosh's really broke my heart ....
It is nice to see that Ianto can now see through the past and focus happiuly in the present ...
Jack's answer is so Jack but he let his Ianto know that he would be one of those to be rememebred and loved forever.


timelordshines June 18 2013, 21:49:26 UTC
Thank you :-)
I wish Owen had really seen Tosh. She deserved to be happy. And could probably have made him happy too.
If Ianto dwelt on the past too much he would have gone mad. Much better to focus on the present and the happiness he shares with Jack :-)


jedi_harkness June 17 2013, 06:20:55 UTC
Beautiful and bittersweet. Well done. <3


timelordshines June 18 2013, 20:44:03 UTC
Thank you :-)


badly_knitted June 17 2013, 21:50:58 UTC
Sweet! I love what Jack and Ianto say. Poor Owen and Tosh - Owen's true love died, and Tosh can't even say that she loves Owen - not with him right there.

I feel oddly sorry for Rhys too. He doesn't even rate a mention from Gwen, who seems not to know the difference between love and a crush. Which, come to think of it, sounds right in character. Apparently her long ago crush meant more to her than Rhys does now.

(Hmmm, I think my cynical mood is colouring my comments).


timelordshines June 18 2013, 21:57:21 UTC
Thank you :-)
Ianto obviously loved Lisa - he was willing to risk the whole world for her! But he loves Jack too, and doesn't want to dwell on the past too much.
Someone needs to keep hitting Owen until he sees Tosh - they would be good for each other.
I dont think Gwen meant any disrespect to Rhys. She just phrased her question wrongly. She didnt really expect the others to take it so seriously and talk about their soulmates or love of a lifetime. She just meant to play a light hearted game and expected the others to follow her lead and tell a story from their childhoods. Hers was the first person she really fancied, not her first true love.


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