Title: The Afterlife is So Overrated (1/?)
Rating: PG in this chapter, for a bit of cursing and ‘religious themes’, namely a fictional view of the afterlife
Character/Pairing: Simm!Master, there will be Doctor(Ten)/Master in later chapter
Word length: 1,341 in this chapter
Spoiler: A/U after End of Time, Part Two
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and its
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Comments 23
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I'm happy to make people laugh =P Glad you enjoyed it and thanks!
I agree, please update soon!!
Thank you! I'll try to do so
I loved the Master's reactions to all things Brad the Angel was telling, I giggled at every retort he had. Especially the part where he told him he had a -500 score, and he was convinced he'd have more.
I was a little shocked when Brad said the Master never had sex as well, and that little smirk and the angel saying, you've never lived then. He he. I giggled again at that bit.
Seriously, I loved the entire thing, it was brilliant. This was written really well, and you got the Master spot on. I really can't wait to see what happens next. Very intriguing to see that he ended up back inside the Naismith Mansion.
I'm looking forward to more. Please update soon. :) I've saved this to my memories. Thanks so much. :)
I know, it doesn't seem like the Master never to have had sex (then again, his previous incarnations didn't seem to find the opposite sex that appealing or interesting, he only made googly eyes at the Doctor), but it's an important plot device =P yes, one of those horrible things.
Thanks again! I'm currently writing on the next chapter so hopefully I'll be able to put it up soon =)
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