This is the first of two drawings involving a crossover between Doctor Who and, well, something else. In this case, though hard to guess, it's the movie-version of V for Vendetta.
Title: Cracky Crossover with Screwdrivers 1: Storm Saxon
Warning/Rating: PG-13 for implied themes, but nothing bad
Characters: Simm!Master, laser screwdriver, 10th Doctor, Jack Harkness
Pairing: Jack/Ten, Master/Ten sort of
What the heck is this about? Well, I was watching V for Vendetta for the fifth time or something, and then that scene in the BTN TV station came up and it just hit me. I mean, come on, silly superheroes Storm Saxon and Laser Lass!? I just had to do this...
If your browser acts annoying like mine and doesn't show you the whole thing, you can find it here: So, yes, crossover with V for Vendetta but probably in a way no one would expect... the 'show' as such was only showed in flashes, I had some idea of Laser Lass' outfit from the scene, but Storm, eh... so I designed the superhero outfits myself =P
Hopefully the text is readable enough, otherwise:
Master: I'm Storm Saxon and you will all bow before my might!
Doctor: Save me, Storm Saxon...
Jack: Muahaha!
Random person#1: He doesn't really get the concept of "superhero", does he?
Random person#2: *shrugs* At least he accepts payments in jelly babies...
Also, what the heck is Jack doing? Weeelll, in the scene, Laser Lass was being held captive by some random evil guy who was going 'Muahaha!' (no, literally, very deep voice and everything) and was sharpening a knife. I just thought Jack would enjoy a whip more.
And I found it hilarious when Evey entered, saw the guard watching the show and said "I can't believe you really watch that shit."
So he replied "Whot? Laser Lass is bangin'!" She sure is...