i liked cloverfield. i thought it was mildly exciting.
most people didn't. i think it's because we had separate expectations. or they could be dumb.
the camaro finally died forever. lucky car #4 is in the works- found a 1986 BMW 325e for $500. needs some work- new heater core ($300+), brakes replaced ($500 or so), windshield wiper motor (maybe... could be a fuse- $200 or so). it only has +/- 126K miles, so it should last me a long time. pretty excited, driving it today. hope it doesn't suck.
the next few months will be exciting. i've got two new websites to design, two new e-stores, a new album package for a guy we recently signed, new merch+poster+promotional designs for many artists. i'll post proofs from time to time, probably.
i has a girlfriend and she's awesome and pretty and not crazy and teaches me things. i mentioned her before, but was rather ambiguous. i really dig her 'n shit. we make up rap lyrics and when she does the blowing-me-a-kiss thing, i mime eating it. feel free to make fun of that sentence.
went to a photoshoot today, one of the locations was a seafood restaurant. i thought it funny. apparently as creative director, i make suggestions about how to shoot a setup, but not where.
i FINALLY have an assistant. her name's chelsea and i've known her for a long while. PLUS, she's like a manager at Starbucks. sup free coffee? to back up, it was decided that i needed an assistant a long time ago, but nother ever happened. within the past month, people have been applying and i've been interviewing them. that was pretty hard to do... luckily, i don't do the actual hiring or firing. i tell my boss "we should hire/fire this person" and then he does it. i'm not too comfortable telling people they're inadequate- even if they're an employee at mcdonald's or a homeless person.
i have a new NAME GAME for you:
name my potential future new car.