May 26, 2009 21:16
Funny how I feel so thankful at the end of a work day every day, yet right now I realize that I might oddly miss working in KPMG when my work term is done. Sent in my resignation letter today, both to HR dept and my unit manager.
I had to let out the news to my senior yesterday that I might have to quit, and she sorta told me to try not to cause she would still need me for alot of work, but that she'd respect my decision especially since i have already bought my air tickets.. Then Nicole from HR dept confirmed with me in later afternoon that company rules disallowed me from taking No-pay Leave nor make up my absence for an extra week in July after my contract term ends, since I might be going overseas for 2 weeks while my contract is still on. Sigh.. I was given an ultimatum. She was cool about the whole matter, and anyway, I'm helping the company save cost by having forfeited my bonus! I'm at such a losing end. Sort of expected it already but I just never thought the decision would be hard.
So overnight, I brainstormed on Work to help senior + $1.2K Bonus + More stress less fun before uni, versus Florida + Fun fun fun ! + Risk being the first H1N1 transmitter into Singapore. >: O OK so i thought of the opportunity costs (very high opp cost) and decided on my trip.. Cos it's hard to come by that the 6 of us in the family can make it on a long trip together due to clash of schedules. If we defer the trip, no idea when the next time going there will be..
So I broke the news to my senior about my confirmed decision today. It wasn't very easy cause I felt like I have pangseh-ed her and left her with more burden. Yes, heaps of tax files and submission deadlines.... Having seen her break down twice in the past 5 months cos of work stress isn't a very nice thing to witness.. Really feel awful for her. She took it fine though. She thanked me for the help and expressed her sian-ness cos she has been relying on me alot and has been comfortable working with me.. Even added that my senior manager/one of the bigger bosses, whom I work under, mentioned to her that I do a good job (haha very flattering). That kinda made me feel like my efforts aren't gone to waste.. that all the neckaches and backaches I have to bear every week are worth it after all. Now i don't feel like leaving already, but ah well, it was a decision (maybe a rash one) that i had to make by today, in order to fully serve 2 weeks of extended service prior to resignation, as stated in the contract...
Now, Eastern USA, you better not let me down.