Aug 20, 2008 09:25
sad to say that another year has gone by since i have even logged into this one of these days im going to print out every journal entry so i have some memory of what my teen years were like now that im 20 it feels like i should still be 16 or atleast 16 felt like yesterday... now that im 20 i've decided to make some changes with my life, not only was my new years resolution broken by May.. which was to continue a journal, hand written and keep it up every day write something small about what i did... sucks that i can't even go a year without breaking a promise to myself. hopefully the new year will bring new things but im deffinately not rushing the new year or anything we still got another 5 months and it doesn't even feel like there was 7 months of 2008 already i did bring in my new year with steven, this incredible guy i met at T-Bones, you know he's just one of those guys that i felt like i have known my entire life and maybe even a past life, i don't know how to explain how our conversations are and how in-tune we are with one another but if he were straight we would be the perfect couple, we are exactly the same person and have something in our hearts that binds us it's incredible how one person can change your whole view on life and make you realize so much about yourself after knowing them for just a short period of time... so i ended my 2007 year with steven at cedar lodge and brought in the New year with him and totally blew off the rest of everyone just so me and him could get high, take a trip to cumbie's for some munchies and take shots of tequilla it deffinately beat last New Year's because it's not where you are, it's the people you're with and that's all that matters
ps. i moved to NC recently so i can end the rest of this year with something a little different than just the usual New Hampshire. Change helps me become the more well-rounded person i want to be