Characters: Rinoa Heartilly, Sephiroth, Edea Kramer, Cloud Strife?
Status: Complete
Location: Alleys of Gongaga
Date/Time: 2nd August 2498
Summary: Rinoa decides she needs a weapon, but is called toward something greater.
Warnings: N/A
After narrowly escaping the second WEAPON attack days before, Rinoa knew she had to get her hands on some defense. Matron Edea was missing, and Selphie had spouted warnings of a sorceress-hunting Aetas. Plus, Vanity seemed more than willing to make cute little surprise visits whenever she felt like it! There was no telling what would try to dig its claws into Heartilly on the way to Junon...
Seifer was a great asset in battle, of course, but the girl didn't desire his protection. As long as there was no Squall, Rinoa wanted to be her own knight. There was still a small amount of gil left from her amphibious antics with Zell. With this, she vowed to find a blaster edge. Rinoa placed her feather very visibly in her hair, hoping that some Gongaga shopkeeper would be generous!
Seifer was sent to purchase supplies with his Chocobo-granted currency. Rinoa hoped he'd come back with some potions, but really, his absence came with a bonus: he wouldn't threaten anybody. These thoughts made Rinoa chew on her bottom lip apprehensively as she read signs and shopped windows. What was wrong with him, anyway??
She did not notice how far she had navigated into the shadowed alleyways before exiting the chosen shop. Strolling out from under its faded awning, Heartilly realized there wasn't much daylight to be spoken of. It didn't bother her; she had a fine sense of direction thanks to the forests of Timber. The young woman walked back toward the main road, duster flowing behind her. Satisfied, she adjusted a brand new blaster edge... sort of... if one could call it that!
The thing was rather feminine for an item built to maim. It was shaped like a translucent butterfly of purples mounted on her wrist, and it was small- smaller than anything she'd used before. Basically, it would do in a pinch. The three circular, transparent projectiles were tiny like throwing stars. Perhaps this one wouldn't knock her backwards with each use, hooray! Sadly, Rinoa could see this cheap equipment doing little against the type of monsters that seemed to love hospitalizing her.
Turning a corner, Rinoa entered a wider section of alleyway. It looked familiar enough; she was on the right path, just as assumed. Heartilly's confidence was muted as a small rumble echoed in the sky above. The sound made her pout. Her boots halted, and the girl took a moment to shoot the sky a scolding glance. It hadn't rained since the day she had met Rikku!!
Wanting to find Seifer before any sort of storm hit, Rinoa picked up the pace, now trotting back to where she'd left him. The last thing she needed was to be alone, wet, and totally broke!
Rinoa -> Sephiroth -> Edea -> [Cloud?]