Band Camp '05

Jul 14, 2005 19:10

So band camp was pretty freakin awesome this year! Here is a quick summary...i might go in to detail on some things.


~Everyone did shups and said rules because of people that got in trouble the night before...noooo fun

~Talk about leprachauns

~Pool Party

~Skit night

So basically all we did was practice...duh. The pit has the opener down...we just need to clean it up. It rocks. Jon was working with us again. He rocks. I actually haven't had the urge to kill him at all. Yay! He is being really cool :) Let's see what else? Tuesday night was our pool party and I thought I was going to die because the water was soooo cold! Wednesday night we had our skit night. Pit did the usual sentence skit. It was awesome. Here is how it went.
Me-Eating food is good for you
Mike-Jumping beans are fun to watch.
Chris-Practicing will make you better.
Mamu-I kinda want to make some lunch.
Scott-I don't really like you.
Kevin-Girls aren't supposed to fart.
So in the end all you heard was Eating Beans Will Make You Fart. Woot! Ya well I guess that is all.
Here's some of the quotes or funny moments:
~"You have to stand in the middle of the 'P'"-Mr Koch
~"Why is the tree raining?"-Scott
~"NICKI who the FUCK did you tell?!"-Mamu
~"Buffalos have wings??"-Me
~"FIRED UP!"-...a lot of people
~"Look at chef boyardee's face!"-Vanessa
~"What is this? Is this is a hat?!"-Kevin
~"What are these things? Are they pipe cleaners?"-Mamu
~Mamu saying something about the reason Scott didn't like Kill Bill was becuase they used big words
~Jon setting his hand on fire
~Salt on Scott's ice cream
~*Mamu is playing the mario theme* "What tv show is that from?"-Scott *BITCH SLAP*-Mamu
~"Not so much of this *pelvic thrust* but more of this *bouncing*"-Mr Koch

There are a ton more things I could put but I can't think of them at the moment. I will add them as they come to mind.

Vanessa on the way to camp

Brittany, Ashley, and Mike

Matt and I

Ken and Kanah

Me wearing Matt's hat


Me wearing Vanessa's hat

Drumline in the hall

Jake and Becca

Ken and his confederate flag


Jon again

Adrian covering his face


Matt and Louis...look at Louis' sunburned face

The flamingo we put on the door (it's supposed to be crashing in to the door)

Our other flamingo

The one on the right is Chef Boyardee

Jake dead before rehearsal

Jon doing his impression of Beavis

Snares during full ensemble rehearsal


Part of the band

Matt pretending to eat nasty food

Nasty looking ice cream with other stuff in it

Matt wearing Becca's sunglasses....we put blush on him too

Jon lighting his hand on fire

Matt and me at the pool

Me and Vanessa at the pool

Jake and Justin

Mike and Adrian

Kevin, Mamu, Kiran, and Kiley

Me and Brandon

Mike and Vanessa at breakfast

Me and Matt at breakfast

The four of us

Me and Matt on the wall

Vanessa and Matt on the wall

Mamu with body spray and a lighter...

Mamu and Jon

Mike and Kevin

Mamu, Louis, and Becca

Mike and Mamu


Mr Koch and Eric


Tenors doing one of the Samurai movements

Vanessa conducting the pit and drumline



Me and Mike



The pit

Pit and drumline rehearsing

Matt imitating Mamu

Some nasty mix Becca made at dinner

Kevin, Mamu, Mike, and Matt on the wall

Mamu's ripped pants because of the wall

Band marching in

Pit and band

Same thing

Alyssa conducting

Drumline...and Lisa doin shups

Scott's cool shirt

Kanah and Garrett during the Ronin Skit

Alyssa and Garrett during the skit

Luke being "knocked" out during the low brass skit

Snare and bass skit

Matt during the skit

Tenors skit

Colonel and Mr Koch doing their skit


Mr Koch

Mike and Brock

Me, Matt, Vanessa, and Mike this morning before breakfast

Jake, Garrett and other people at breakfast

The invisibike (or the ghetto bike with no wheels or seat)

Matt on the invisibike

Chris and Mike

Matt and Kevin in front of a cool tree

Vanessa and her Pac Man shaped lolly pop

Lisa sleeping on the way home

Brittany and Ashley

Scott on the way home

The back of the bus

Becca sleeping

Mike asleep on the way home


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