
Jul 28, 2011 23:07

Um...hi? It's been a long time since I've done porn, so I'm slightly nervous about this. But it was in my head today, and maybe it's okay? I'm trying to make a real return to this whole fic/fandom thing, and I've started getting back to docs I've had on my laptop for forever, so...I hope to rejoin fandom land and reconnect. goes?

Title: Reunion
Fandom: RPS
Characters/Pairings: Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki
Prompt: 009. Months.
fanfic100 table: here
Word Count: 1271
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Porn, with a side of porn, and topped with intimacy.
Summary: ...Actually, I think my warning should be the summary. See above^^

Even now, after six years, months of being apart still affect them. They still take the separation, still use it to keep their bond this special, this strong. But neither of them can deny that it hurts them just a little, even after they’ve spent so much time together and know that it won’t be long before they see each other again.

The chair supports them both, Jensen in Jared’s lap, straddling him. They don’t use words, because words don’t belong here, just the sights, sounds, and sensations of their passion and longing. Jared’s long fingers roam over Jensen’s spine as it curves and bows, hips working in short, violent jerks. Jensen’s breathing is heavy, almost chaotic, as he moves his body back and forth, up and down. He gasps and twists his fingers in Jared’s hair, showing how much he wants more every time the hot, stiff length of Jared’s shaft penetrates him, forces him open wider and then pulls back out, just slippery enough with lube. His own dick rubs up and down the smooth ridges of Jared’s abs every time he tries to get closer, to melt together, his voice uninhibited as raw, needy sounds pour over his lips; lips that Jared slips his tongue between to capture those noises, keep them for himself, and lock Jensen in a hot, wet kiss until both of their bodies crave oxygen more than each other, lungs burning for it when they break apart and open their mouths wide for air. It’s hot, intimate, and frantic, sweat and musk the only scents in the air between them.

Jared holds Jensen close, guides Jensen’s hips with a firm, damp hand, sheen of sweat covering every inch of skin they both have. Time doesn’t exist here, and neither of them know when they started or when they’ll finish, just that they’re together, connected, now, and they want to return to each other like this every single time they’re apart.

Jared guides, Jensen’s weight holding him down, but Jensen’s in some semblance of control, body in constant, jolting motion, beads of moisture rolling down his forehead, eyes closed as he whimpers and tries still to get closer. He rides Jared, always wordlessly pleading for more as his body rises and falls, sweet friction making him moan, everything below throbbing and pulsing with an aching heat that he can’t stop, doesn’t want to. The thick head of his dick leaves sticky, wet streaks over Jared’s skin that only make him think of Jared leaving the same marks behind inside of him.

When Jensen shudders, Jared’s hands fall to Jensen’s ass, squeezing and pulling, pushing, helping and supporting every move Jensen makes on his dick, skin and muscle stretching to accommodate him and then pulling back. It’s intoxicating, the power he feels, but that isn’t the primary reason for the thrum in his body right now. It’s physical, but it’s Jensen, and how much they need, want, and crave. His chest heaves, and then he gives up on air when Jensen kisses him again, the taste like nothing Jared ever knew existed before they’d met. Jensen’s tongue is thick and wet, rolling against his own, and his eyes are closed, savoring all of it, every bit of this moment and how it feels.

It makes them lightheaded when they finally break apart, and Jared whimpers in sympathy when Jensen starts to give in. He watches Jensen’s eyes flutter closed, hears Jensen’s almost-pained cries, and he moves his own hips a little more, giving more to Jensen when Jensen loses his rhythm and starts to shake. Jensen feels so tight, around Jared’s dick and throughout his whole body, almost seizing as Jared holds him and fucks him. Jensen’s gripping the back of the chair, the fingers of his other hand still twisted up in Jared’s hair and pulling tighter, but Jared doesn’t even know if it’s hurting or not. He just knows the throb of his dick, the beautifully tight heat that he pushes up into over and over again, and wishes he could forever. He knows the slick feel of Jensen’s skin, the sound of Jensen’s sex-broken voice, the near fever-heat of Jensen’s cheek against his own. He knows the feel of Jensen’s hot, hard dick on his stomach, the way it skips and slides.

And then he suddenly knows the tremor and spasms of Jensen’s body, the jerk of Jensen’s cock that makes it slap against his skin, and the almost violent burst of Jensen’s come that flows over him, sticking and rolling downward with his sweat. He knows Jensen’s shout and sob at the height of orgasm, the helpless sounds Jensen makes after as he trembles in Jared’s arms, and the thrusting slides of Jensen’s dick through the mess he’s making on Jared’s body.

Jared holds Jensen after, calming hands on Jensen’s back, and then starts thrusting his hips up again, body screaming for release as he heads for his climax. He feels Jensen shivering and whimpering with every push, pleasured and sensitive, but he also feels Jensen’s meek but generous attempts to help, hips trying to move in time with Jared’s when they can, ass taking more and more of Jared’s cock. Jared can feel his eyes stinging and squeezes them shut, his mouth going dry when he opens it again to sounds that are only right for what his body is feeling, pleasure, pressure, and tension building as he focuses on the in-out, push-pull of fucking up into Jensen’s slackening body.

His heart pounds, and he feels like finally getting there might kill him, but he might also die without it. Jared’s vision whites out when he comes, Jensen’s head on his shoulder, and Jensen’s low moan making him shiver more with breath blowing over his damp skin. His cry might be more of a scream, but he doesn’t hear it, just feels his body convulse, open up for release, and then press him for more, dick jerking and spurting every last drop of come he can spare, balls aching with the force of it.

Jensen keeps his head on Jared’s shoulder, eyes closed, reveling in the feel of it all as he slowly comes down. His ass is still open for Jared’s dick, wet inside with the thick, hot release of Jared’s orgasm. He clenches and shivers, feels Jared gasp, and wants to do nothing more than just stay like this, together.

They stay there for longer than either of them thinks or cares to count, Jared a dead weight in the chair, and Jensen a dead weight in his lap. Jensen hasn’t lifted his head, breathing evening out as he rests quietly with Jared’s arms around him, warmth against the way his body cools down after they fuck. His hand is still in Jared’s hair, but gentler, fingers just barely moving through the soaked strands that cover the back of Jared’s neck.

It almost hurts both of them to break their connection, but Jared uses the last of his strength while he still can to push up on Jensen’s ass and pull his hips back, dick slowly sliding out. Jensen groans with Jared and feels Jared’s come dripping from his body, but neither of them care about that now. They both sigh, back to quietly holding each other, drifting somewhere between states of consciousness. When they wake, it’s to meet each other’s eyes, the two of them nuzzling together before meeting each other’s lips in a soft, easy kiss. Jensen’s dick is soft between them, Jared’s soft between his legs, and they only feel this satisfied in these quiet moments.

nc-17, spn rps, j2, fanfic100

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