There's Always Tomorrow, Chapter 1

Dec 16, 2009 21:12


“Saw your boyfriend out there tonight,” Sandy taunts, and Jared rolls his eyes.

“Come on,” he complains, screwing the cap back on his now empty bottle of water. “He’s just into the ballet.”

“He’s here for you,” Sandy giggles, and Jared throws his bottle at her.

“How would you know?”

“Because his eyes are always on you,” she says seriously, and Jared straightens, paying more attention to her now that this isn’t a joke anymore. “Jared, he’s not watching the stage or the ballet. When you’re out there, he just watches you. Nothing else.”

“Maybe I’m just amazing,” Jared jokes, fidgeting against how self-conscious he feels now. “Can’t help it if you’re jealous.”

“Oh, ha-ha, Padalecki.” Her tone is flat as her eyes roll in her head. “I’m just saying, you have a fan. It’s cute.”

“Or creepy,” Jared suggests, though he knows it isn’t. How he knows that, he’s not sure, but the guy in the audience just doesn’t seem to have that sinister air about him. If anything, he seems…sad. Maybe even lonely. As if confirming his thoughts, Sandy shakes her head.

“No way. He’s not like that.” She shrugs and grins. “Hey, you’re lucky. He’s hot.” Jared scoffs a little, as if he could deny it, and Sandy just laughs at him, because they both know she’s right. “I say you should break out the mistletoe and go for it.”

“‘Go for it’?” Jared asks, raising his eyebrows. “How?” Sandy shrugs again.

“I’m sure you could find a way.”

“Uh, sir? Excuse me?”

It’s after Jensen’s left the theater on a Saturday night that he gets the shock of his life. It’s the last thing he expects, to suddenly hear a voice behind him and feel a tap on his shoulder. That’s enough of a shock, really. Nobody ever says anything to him, and he doesn’t socialize with anyone else. He doesn’t think anyone even really knows who he is, and he’d rather keep it that way. Let them all guess about his profession and how he can afford to always be here. But when he turns and sees that face…that face…he swears he can barely breathe.

“Hi.” Jared looks down and smiles at him, a little shyly, hair falling into his eyes as he lowers his head, his chin dipping into the thick scarf wrapped around his neck. “I, uh…” He clears his throat, and looks completely unsure of himself, but that doesn’t make Jensen feel any less terrified, his heart thudding in his chest. He knows he must look ridiculous, with his mouth hanging open and his eyes as wide as they can go, but he seems to have completely lost control of his own body. “I couldn’t help but notice that you’re here for every show, and I…I…”

Jared trails off, his face flushing with more than the cold, and he flounders, his smile fading a bit after his sudden rush of words. He’s lost, and it’s awkward, and Jensen can feel himself stiffening up, his mind rushing for words, something, anything to say, but he can’t think of anything.

“I know this is really weird,” Jared says finally, shoving his gloved hands in his pockets and fidgeting, his breath blowing out in a cloud in front of his face. “And I’m sorry if I’m just…completely off base, here, but…I thought maybe we could go get a drink somewhere?”

He looks hopeful but embarrassed, like he just wants this moment to end or the ground to swallow him whole, and Jensen can’t help but agree. Until he realizes just what Jared has actually said, and then he’s just nodding silently, still unable to speak, and Jared starts to smile a little again.

“Yeah,” Jensen finally manages, completely hoarse. He clears his throat and tries again. “Yeah, that’d be great. I’d…I’d really like that.”

He does want to go with Jared, but it causes him more anxiety than anything at this point, because he doesn’t do this with people. And Jared seems nice enough. When Jared finds out what Jensen…who Jensen is, what then? He’s not sure Jared would ask him out if he knew Jensen was just a pompous, rich bastard who can’t handle the stress of a real life. Jensen’s hands shake, and it’s then that he realizes he didn’t even introduce himself. He pulls his hand out of his pocket and thrusts it towards Jared.

“Jensen,” he says. “M’name’s Jensen.”

“Jensen,” Jared says with a smile. And it’s that smile, and Jensen only hopes that Jared will still smile at him like that when he knows the truth about him. Their hands meet, and even though leather and wool keep them from actually touching, the shake still sends sparks through Jensen’s body. “I like it. It’s got a nice ring to it.” He releases Jensen’s hand and leans forward to nudge him playfully. “Does it come with a last name, too?”

“Ackles,” Jensen says, smiling in spite of himself, and he hopes it’s not a name that Jared recognizes. But then, most people don’t. Everyone knows that the big companies have asshole CEOs running around all over the place, but they don’t really know them by name. And Jensen doesn’t exactly flaunt it.

“Jensen Ackles,” Jared repeats, and Jensen can’t help but love the way it rolls off Jared’s tongue. He nods. “It suits you.”

“So does yours,” Jensen says, and then thinks how stupid that sounded. But Jared laughs, and it’s all okay.

“Yeah, long and weird. That’s me!” Jensen laughs, actually laughs, for the first time in God knows how long, and Jared tilts his head. “You mind if I pick the place?”

“Not at all,” Jensen says, shaking his head and feeling a bit more at ease. He steps back and motions for Jared to go ahead of him. “Lead the way.”

They’ve been at the little bar on the corner just blocks from Jared’s apartment for almost an hour when Jared realizes that they’ve only really talked about him. He’s been there, drinking and shooting the shit with Jensen for an ample amount of time, and he still knows next to nothing about the guy. It’s been fine, though, because they’re both slightly lit, and Jensen’s loosening up and actually looking a bit happy. Jared likes it. It’s an improvement from what he’s seen from the stage every night, even though Jensen obviously enjoys the performances. They’re warm and full and close when Jared finally decides to see what he can learn.

“So, what do you do for a living?” he asks, and then he wonders how the hell it’s possible for Jensen’s expression to change so quickly. The bright smile that actually forces crinkles around Jensen’s eyes just drops off his face, and his eyes widen in what almost seems like fear before they’re clouded over with sadness again, almost depression. Jared feels bad for even asking, but how could he have known that Jensen would react this way?

“Nothing important,” Jensen says finally, staring at his glass and shrugging. “I mean, I’m probably leaving soon, anyways, so it doesn’t really matter.” He tries to smile again, but it’s sad and barely there. “Just gotta find somewhere else to go, and then I’m gone.”

“Well, that’s good,” Jared says, trying to sound supportive, and he means it. Any job that can make Jensen feel the way he obviously does can’t be good for him. “You do what you have to do. Get the hell outta that place. I’m sure you could find something better. Or something that would at least make you happier.”

“Yeah, I hope so,” Jensen answers quietly, and then flicks his eyes up to Jared’s, nodding a bit. “Thank you.”

“No problem,” Jared responds, and he reaches out, realizing too late that he’s now resting his hand on Jensen’s knee, partially on his thigh. He gulps, but doesn’t pull away, because that would seem to make it even more awkward than it already is.

But it’s not. Jensen does look down at his hand in a bit of surprise, but then he softens, his body relaxing as he reaches down and rests his own hand on top of Jared’s, and Jared’s stomach flutters. There’s something here. There’s something here that’s just…right.

“Which way?” Jared asks when they leave the bar, and Jensen wordlessly points in the opposite direction of Jared’s place, which disappoints Jared more than anything. “I had a really nice time,” he says, and Jensen nods, shoving his hands in his pockets.

“Me too.”

“Maybe we could do this again sometime?”


It isn’t until he actually turns and starts to walk away that it really hits him. There’s something here, and he can’t deny it. Maybe he barely knows Jensen, and maybe this is only their first night out, but he can’t just let it end like this. He needs more. He knows he’ll regret it if he doesn’t at least try.

“Look,” he says, stopping on a dime and spinning back around. He’d only gone a few steps, and Jensen is still right there, waiting for him. “I don’t usually do this sort of thing.” His chest is heaving, as if he’s just run a marathon, and his mouth is going dry, but all he can hope for is for Jensen to say yes. “And you can shoot me down if you want to, no hard feelings. But do you wanna come back to my place?” His heart leaps when Jensen’s eyes go wide and he nods.

“I’d like that.”

It’s just an impulse that Jared follows when he cups Jensen’s jaw with his hands and covers his mouth in a kiss, right there outside the bar. Jensen makes a little noise of surprise against his lips, and then he’s kissing him back, and they open together, mouths warm and wet inside. Jared knows it’s cold outside, remembers it being that way when they first left the bar, but he doesn’t feel it now, his body temperature skyrocketing as his tongue tangles with Jensen’s and their bodies fit themselves together perfectly.

He’s surprised that they manage to make it back to his place with all their clothes still on and intact, but he’s stripping as soon as they get in the door, mouths still nipping hungrily at each other, the heat of his apartment too much for him now. Jensen follows, pulling his clothes off as they move through the apartment, on to the bedroom. They trip, and something falls and possibly breaks, but Jared just tells Jensen to ignore it, and they both laugh as they spend a few minutes up against the nearest wall, kissing and grinding, exploring each other’s bodies. And Jensen’s body…Jared’s used to toned and fit, because he’s been around dancers all his life. And even though Jensen isn’t one of them, it’s a nice surprise to still feel such strength and definition beneath his fingers. He’s beautiful.

Jensen submits to him easily, eagerly, even, and Jared takes him just as readily, opening him up and fucking him from behind. Jensen’s tight and hot, sweating and moaning, pushing back against Jared in such a way that almost says Jensen’s in control, driving Jared crazy. Until Jared snaps, fingers digging into Jensen’s shoulders as he shifts and fucks him hard, forcefully, giving no mercy. And Jensen loves it, calls his name and almost screams with pleasure. Jared doesn’t care enough to wonder who can hear them as his own voice rises with Jensen’s, and when he lowers a hand to reach around and grip Jensen’s cock, Jensen comes hard, bucking and shaking, whimpering with the intensity of it. Jared strokes him through it, cursing and coming when he feels his hand go slick and Jensen contract around him. He convulses and shakes until it’s over, and then he pulls out slowly, gently easing Jensen’s body down and lifting himself off of the bed. He cleans them both up as well as he can and kisses Jensen one last time before they both drift off to sleep, exhausted.

When he wakes up the next morning, Jensen is gone, but not without saying goodbye. There’s a note on his dresser that simply says, “Thank you,” and Jensen’s name is scrawled at the bottom of it. It’s not much, but Jared still grins and holds it against his chest. It’s crazy to think this way about someone he just met the night before, but Jensen Ackles just might be his.

Chapter 2
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