Don't Forget the Bear Spray

Aug 12, 2018 23:21

Title: Don't Forget the Bear Spray
Fandom: SPN RPS
Characters/Pairings: Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki
Word Count: 1,862
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: bottom!Jensen
Summary: wind_storms wanted J2 camping. Bear spray and sleeping bag sex ensued. Mostly lols with some porn.

It takes Jensen a moment to realize what Jared has hooked onto his belt. He’s just finished setting up their tent, and he’d already heard Jared using the bug spray. He almost made fun of Jared for keeping the bug spray on his person until he realized the canister attached to Jared’s belt wasn’t bug spray. It was

“Did you bring bear spray?”

Jared looks at him and shifts awkwardly, seemingly about to deny it. But there’s no mistaking the 8 oz. can in the holster, or the picture of the roaring bear. There’re also the words

“BEAR ATTACK DETERRENT is literally right there! Did you think I wouldn’t notice?”

“So, what, safety’s a crime now?” Jared says, raising his eyebrows at Jensen, a slight smirk tugging at his lips.

“We’re in Austin!”

“There could be bears!” Jensen stares at him, and Jared holds a finger up and grabs for his phone. “I just read recently that they’re making a comeback here…” He straightens up and stuffs his phone back into his pocket, Jensen smirking now. “And I would show you if we had reception out here.”

Jensen shakes his head and laughs. “You’re such a dork.”

“Because I’m afraid of bears?”

“Because you think I’d let anything happen to you.” Jensen moves towards Jared and shoves him a little before wrapping his arms around Jared’s waist. Jared settles in nicely, but still gives him an incredulous look.

“You can’t take on a bear.”

Jensen raises an eyebrow. “Who fuckin’ says?”

Jared slaps a hand on Jensen’s ass and squeezes. “Me. But, fine, if you wanna act all macho man and go wrestle yourself a bear for me, have at it.”

“Rawr,” Jensen growls, drawing out and rolling the R, making Jared roll his eyes. He laughs and pulls away. “Come on, let’s open up our pic-a-nic basket and see if Yogi and Boo-Boo show up.”



“Just move this way.”

“What way?”

“This way! Here, just put your leg…”

“I told you, this isn’t gonna work.”

“Shut up.”

“How romantic.”

Jensen sighs as Jared nuzzles into his neck and starts to harden against his thigh. Which does feel kind of nice, except for the confines and rustling of the sleeping bag, and the weight and heat of Jared on top of him. He generally likes Jared on top of him, but things are a little…cramped. Still, Jared got all excited about sleeping bag sex when Jensen first brought up camping, so Jensen figured he’d give it a shot. He’s just still not sure it’ll actually work.

“I don’t get why you’re so excited about this,” he says, even as he arches up a little, Jared’s dick slipping against his own. “You’re a fucking giant, and you wanna get it on a sleeping bag.”

“You’re not so small yourself,” Jared murmurs, grinning against him and moving to lick slowly up Jensen’s throat.

“That’s my point,” Jensen says, lifting his chin to avoid Jared’s lips, smiling mischievously as he still manages to pull away and tease Jared in such a small space. “We need space, you and me. For all the things we do to each other.” He pushes a hand down as he’s talking, between the material and Jared’s body, finding Jared’s ass and squeezing, finger dipping in to rub against his hole. Jared’s eyes darken, and he ruts against Jensen. Things are already a bit damp, and then Jared’s sweat drips down onto him. “Dude, you’re already soaked.”

“What can I say?” Jared says, smirking down at him. “You make me wet.”

Jensen rolls his eyes. “That goes without saying. Come on, man.” He pulls his hand away from Jared’s ass, and Jared whines a little. “We can’t even fuck under the covers at home because you get too overheated, and you think you can fuck me in this?”

Jared shrugs. “I just thought we could have a sleeping bag sex story. I kind of wanna fuck you in as many places as possible, is that so wrong?” Jensen curses as he gets harder, and Jared laughs. “You like that, huh?” He thrusts a little, and Jensen groans, loving the feel of Jared’s dick against his. “You don’t have to say it. I can tell.” He nips at Jensen’s bottom lip and finally draws him into a kiss, tongue just slightly dipping in to taste, and it’s Jensen’s turn to whine at being teased.

It’s when Jared reaches outside of the sleeping bag for the lube that Jensen questions this again. “How are we gonna manage prep and everything in here?”

“Depends,” Jared says casually, slicking his fingers up. There’s a lot of rustling, grunting, wincing, probable bruising, and lube left between them as Jared manages to somehow get his fingers down to Jensen’s hole. “How wide can you spread those bowlegs?”

His retort gets lost as Jared shoves a finger in deep, and Jensen decides to just roll with it, because that push and crook of Jared’s finger overrides the aches in his body and the feeling of being trapped.

“That’s it.”

Fuck, if Jared’s quiet whispers don’t just dig their hooks in under Jensen’s skin every time. Jared pushes another finger inside of him, and Jensen moans and spreads his legs as much as he can, Jared shifting to accommodate him.

It’s less prep than usual, but Jared’s reaching for the lube again, and Jensen’s not stopping him. There’s a tight struggle in Jared’s attempts to slick himself up in the small space, fist jerking between them before he attempts to guide himself inside.

“Y’need a map?” Jensen drawls. He’s flushed and ready, and way too fucking hot. “Maybe a flashlight? We got all kinds of gear here.”

Jared huffs a laugh, breaking the moment. “Shut up.” He leans down and presses a kiss to Jensen’s lips. “I’m trying to fuck you.”

“Sexier than ever, Jay.” But he goes quiet when the head of Jared’s dick finally presses against his hole, head tipped back, legs trying to splay wider with no further to go. He sucks in a breath when Jared pushes in, and Jared groans.

“Fuck, that’s tight.”

For a moment, Jensen feels like he can’t breathe. They’re in a sleeping bag together in Texas, the air around them already warm and sticky, Jared nearly crushing him and now pressing inside of him. But Jared moves slowly, so slowly, and then Jensen breathes and relaxes, closing his eyes and letting the pleasure of it take over again.

“You’re amazing,” Jared gasps, and Jensen’s heart pounds at that tone in Jared’s voice that’s somehow still all praise and disbelief after all these years; that tone that says Jensen is fucking perfect, and Jared can’t believe he’s this lucky. Jensen knows it, because it’s all reciprocated. He could say that to Jared. Instead, he says

“I know.”

Because they’ve made it to the point where they can feel things this intensely and still joke during sex.

Jared laughs, even as he thrusts and takes Jensen’s breath away again. “God, you’re an asshole.”

There are so many things Jensen can say to that, given their current situation, but Jared kisses him before he can, thrusting again, starting a jerking, halting rhythm in the confines of the sleeping bag. Jensen breaks the kiss to pant and gasp for air, but he’ll be damned if this isn’t working. Jared’s arms are around him, holding him, making things even tighter, and Jensen can’t do much aside from squirm and claw at Jared’s back as he hits a particularly sweet spot.

“You like that?” Jared says again, this time all lust and no humor, and Jensen tries to push up into Jared, knows that sticky feeling between them isn’t just sweat, but his own pre-come. Jared fucks him harder, and Jensen moans, nails digging into Jared’s low back. He hears that pleasure-pain in Jared’s groan, Jared responding with teeth on Jensen’s shoulder, and Jensen gasps at the shiver that sends down his spine. Fitting, that they’d fuck like animals here. He gets a hand down further, grabbing hard at Jared’s ass, urging him on, nails pressing into the flesh there, too.

Jared suddenly releases Jensen’s shoulder and comes, shoving in deep and choking on a moan, panting through his orgasm, throat dry in the heat. Jensen’s chest heaves as Jared pulls out just as slowly as he first pushed in. He feels the head of Jared’s dick catch on the rim before slipping out, Jared’s movement still so close with their bodies so tightly held together, smooth sweaty skin moving over the head of his own dick, and Jensen comes before Jared can even help finish him off. A soft “oh” drops from Jared’s lips as he holds Jensen through the tremor that runs through his body, Jensen’s hole now clenching around nothing, Jared’s warm come leaking out.

“You’re fucking beautiful,” Jared says when it’s over, and Jensen’s still panting. They both somehow managed to get into it and finish sooner than unexpected, but Jensen’s not complaining. If anything, he’s relieved.

“I love you so much, but you gotta get off me.”

Jared obliges, but the ordeal of getting out of the sleeping bag together post-sex is almost clumsier than getting in. They manage it, tired, laughing, and stumbling into each other, and Jensen’s just relieved to feel free and much less suffocated.


Jensen can’t believe he’s doing this, but he continues jabbing at Jared’s back until he gets a half-awake grunt.


“Shh,” Jensen whispers. He pauses, annoyed with what he’s about to ask. “…You have that bear spray?”

He can feel Jared go completely tense and knows he’s suddenly wide awake. “There’s a bear?!” Jared hisses.

“I don’t know!” Jensen hisses back. “Probably not, I just…I heard something. Where’s the spray?”

“Oh, now you want the spray.”

Jensen rolls his eyes. “Fuck, yes, Jared, now I want the spray, considering there might actually be a bear outside!”

A shape moves past the tent, sniffing, and Jared immediately hands the spray over. Jensen’s not even sure where he pulled it from, but he doesn’t care. “If we actually die from a bear attack, I’m gonna kill you.”

“We’re not gonna die,” Jensen says, though he does regret making light of the situation before. “It’s probably just a black bear, they’re harmless.” Jared snorts. “Well, less harmful than a grizzly.”

“Don’t say grizzly.”

The shape moves off, and they lie there in silence for a while, neither of them moving, Jensen listening for the sound of…bearsteps? “I think we’re okay,” he says after a while. He leaves the spray on the ground and curls up behind Jared, arms wrapping around him. “I’m sorry I almost got us killed by a bear.”

“Whatever,” Jared mumbles, and Jensen can at least tell that Jared isn’t mad at him but is mostly still a little freaked out and fishing for something, which Jensen can oblige.

“You were right.”

Jared rests a hand over Jensen’s. “Doesn’t happen often. Nice to hear you say it.”

“I mean, I can’t be perfect all the time.” Jared chuckles, and Jensen holds him tighter. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

nc-17, spn rps, j2

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