Sep 26, 2004 20:50
Though I only know what I've been told about the world.
I feel I have a pretty good handle on things.
But sometimes it feels like I am standing on springs
And I am trying to stand still.
The word friend to me used to give me a warm feeling.
Now I sit here and think of that very word.
The feeling now I get is doubt and a sharp pain in my chest.
Is the word friend part of a mathematical equation that evolves as you get older?
When you're young is it, friend = a person to be with
When you grow does friend = your worst enemy.
Maybe the people you least know are your greatest allies.
Because isn't life just a battle, no a war to survive?
The bombs of hatred and bullets of guilt can't slow you down.
Family is the salve that heals your cuts and wounds.
The will to live is your back-up in this fight.
Love is the goal of this entire suicide mission.
The mission to love and survive, some people make it so easy.
To love is to survive, and anything else is death.
God, I hate math. Because in this battle and this war,
Everything is an equation that can be written on paper and figured out,
Except when you don't know anything about math, you are pretty much fucked.
-by me