Characters: Cyrus and whoever else is in Dorino
Time period: Middle Ages
Location: Dorino
Time of day: Around noon
Content: Uh...we do timey stuff in the middle ages?
Warnings: So far, one very wet and slightly POed divine wannabe. Yes that is a warning.
When the blood has flowed against the tides of time/and the water flows forever )
So as she made her way to the edges of the town, she noticed in the distance a rather drenched, familiar figure.
He approached, ensuring it was her (not that she could be mistaken for many others) before speaking. "Gwendolyn. I had not expected to see you in nthis place. Is this the town you mentioned?"
She motioned to the surrounding buildings. "This is indeed the village of Dorino."
"Prier and Django are here, as is the Shadow Knight Oswald. I had seen your comrade, Jupiter, in this village, though not of late."
A red light, and there was an orange fish flopping pathetically on the ground, repeating "Karp karp karp karp" in a gasping voice.
"This one is known as Magikarp. It is weak now, but will become strong. It is not the individual species that I ask you to seek, but that energy. Do you sense it?"
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