I cried.
A lot.
This episode was infinitely better than last weeks.
In every way.
Except that David Tennant outdid himself, again.
God that man is a legend.
I'm going to miss him so much
I'm going to picspam the hell out of this episode once I get a download link, jsyk.
Oh and they brought Martha back! <3333
And Mickey!
And Rose!
And Jack!
Oh and if my brain wasn't already frazzled enough!
Have a 2010 trailer!
Click to view
Just to make one thing clear here: If you do not like Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor and plan to bash him in your journal entries, please defriend me now.
Because come Spring 2010, I will be squeeing about him quite alot and I'd like to avoid any unpleasantness.
I know people won't be his biggest fan but if you're going to be making entries with "OMGZ MATT SMITH IS SO UGLY AND AWFUL111!1!11!!!!1", I think it's better we part ways now.
Okay guys, I'm off to eat my weight in chocolate now!