Meme me sometime

Dec 15, 2009 23:24

zeitheist made me do it!
Well she said "DROP THEM DOE EYES!" and I was lost!

STEP 1. Leave me a comment saying "drop it, doe eyes".
STEP 2. I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
STEP 3. Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
STEP 4. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

zeitheist gave me these

1. If you could appear as a character in any television show, what would it be and how would your story play out?

Hmmm very tricky! Well of course it's a toss up between Supernatural and Doctor Who. But I think I'd go for being an alien on Doctor Who. From some far off distant planet that The Doctor befriends and she teaches him about her culture and so on. Then of course he'd invite her to travel with him in the TARDIS but then as always some climatic event would happen that would prevent this from happening as it always does in Doctor Who

2. You can choose any pairing (het or slash) to become canon. Which one would it be and why? How would you want those characters to get together?

So many possibilities! But bar any Heroes ships because it just hurts so much to even think about them right now, I'd have to say Dean/Bela from Supernatural! Because it would be downright awesome! Their snark combined would be epic! And ideally I'd have liked Dean to rush in all guns blazing to save Bela from the big bad hellhounds but alas since The CW are budget cutting bastards, it was never meant to be!

3. What's something you've always wanted to do but never got the chance?

Go to DisneyWorld in Florida. I always wanted to go there as a kid and have that bona fide magical experience of meeting all the characters and naively believing that they're actually the real characters and see all the parades and so forth!

4. What's your favourite convention memory so far?

Far, far too many to choose from.
I'll give you my top 3!

# - zeitheist, cs_whitewolf and myself sitting in their room after Collectormania! Squeeing with them is always the ultimate fun times ♥♥♥

# - Meeting Jared Padalecki! I know Asylum 3 wasn't the best experience for the majority of attendees (Including myself) but undoubtedly my best experience was meeting Jared when he was signing my autographs! He was so adorable! And his expression when I handed him my Gilmore Girls picture to get signed was priceless! And he was so sweet when I started gushing about how much I loved the show and thanked him for getting me into it! He did the cutest little pouty thing with his lips and said "You are the sweetest ever!". So yeah, Jared ♥! [end of rambling!]

# - Being notoriously known as "That Supernatural fangirl with the halo at the John Rhys Davies table" at Collectormania ♥

5. Tell me something you can do better than anybody else you know

Hmmm. I don't think there is anything. I don't really excel at anything. Well at any rate there's nothing that comes to mind.

Plz do this meme, my bbs!
I'm inherently nosey and love asking questions!

meme: drop them doe eyes

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