It's very strange how you think everything is going okay then suddenly something pops up and hits you in the gut, knocking the wind out of you.
Omg Merlin was so good!
Am now writing fic ferociously!
The CW has cancelled The Beautiful Life after two fucking episodes!
Ugh I hate them with such a passion.
Once Supernatural, Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill ends, I hope it crashes and burns in a spectacular ball of fiery fail!
Is anybody else absolutely scared stiff that the final few episodes of this season of Supernatural will consist of Michael!Dean vs. Lucifer!Sam?
Because I sure as hell am! (Using the word hell in reference to this storyline/show seems quite redundant now!)
I know the perfect way for a show like this to end is with the whole biblical brother vs. brother thing but I seriously don't want that to happen!
Because I happen to love these boys a startlingly unhealthy amount!
And when they fight or kick the crap out of each other, it breaks my heart and makes me emit extremely high pitched noises that only dogs in southern states of America can hear!
On a more positive not; Sam is steadily redeeming himself in my eyes!
When he spat out that demon blood, I pumped my fist in the air and crowed "FUCK YEAH! THAT'S THE SAMMY WE KNOW AND LOVE!"
But while Sam is redeeming himself, Dean is making me want to hit him!
He better be in the biggest pit of denial when he says he's better and happier without Sam or else I shall have to hunt down Eric Kripke and shank him with shiv!
If Dean Winchester were in actuality, a real person I would pose this question to him:
Why did you spend four months, which incidentally according to you was like forty years, in hell Dean?
Was it not to save your brother? The brother, you couldn't bear to imagine your life without so you sold your sold to the proverbial devil and sentenced yourself to what should have been an eternity in the pit?
And if he were real he'd answer yes!
Then I'd yell at him because what's pissing me off that he's apparently forgotten all this! That sort of love does not go away because your brother got lead up the garden path by a scum-sucking road whore of a demon!
Bottom line is, Sam made a mistake and Dean needs to get off his elitist high horse and fucking forgive him already!
Everything was alright up until today. Now all I want to do is cry. Which writer was it that said love makes fools of us all? Cuz they got it damn right.