UNITED, NOT DIVIDED! Petition, go to the link and sign plz!

Jul 12, 2004 21:19

In less than 48 hours, Congress will vote on an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would permanently deny marriage equality to same-sex couples. This is unprecedented -- never before has our Constitution been amended to take away anyone's rights. We've got to fight back.

Please sign this emergency petition to Congress to stop this divisive amendment at:

This is what I wrote as my comment on the petition:
As Americans, our and want to marry), EQUALITY and INDIVIDUALITY! Everyone should have the same rights no matter what their sexuality is! You have no right to stop, or stand in the way of true love! YOU ARE NOT GOD, SO STOP TRYING TO PLAY GOD! Even God Almighty would not want this ammendment passed, as a Christian you should know that God loves EVERYONE! EVERYONE includes homosexuals too. If you were to pass this ammendment you would be completely heartless and inhuman. Not only that, you would lose the support of many who would vote for you in the fall, and God knows that you need all the support you can get.
"Everyone has the same rights. There is no place in America for a Constitutional amendment denying marriage equality to anyone."
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