Not that i haven't been updating, just most of my posts were friends-only. Bottling up isn't the best solution ha? Maybe i do wish that i can be made of metal. Except for rusting I'm basically impenetrable. Wait diamond's better.. Mmm.
The simple words are what hurt. Small comments can stab. I had the impression, sarcasm would scald and hurt or, insult etc. But the simplest words hurt as much. Just like i don't love you. The choice of words is probably secondary to who is the speaker.
I thought i didn't had real friends in school. I tried to find but i gave up trying anyway. But now, i have true friends. One or two, but more than enough. People whose arms i know i can run into and cry without worrying staining their shirts with my tears and bogey. People who'll stand up for me. People who pop out without notice and give me a timely hug. People who listen so patiently. People who talk to you regardless of whether you're attached or not. People who are there for me when i cry and kick up a fuss. It's a very special bond i guess. Something intimate, not necessarily vocalized. I need to stop bottling up and start to discover this special feeling i share with some queer people. At the same time, i get anal because such people are so rare. I'm scared of losing what i initially gave up finding. It's like an expected gain. If you're reading this you (should) know who you are, thank you. :)
Perhaps distance is a good thing. I can watch you from far and intrigue in the things you do, the things you say and you don't know. So close, yet so far is so apt.
Now something that will make more sense. How's life. Life has been good. Soiree. Syf. Simun. Schooling. Online shopping. Guitar prolly makes up the bulk of it but i like it. Ivan said guitar room's like my home, i don't deny. I've this corner in the room i curl and spend time with Marconi and crawl into the guitar rack when i get bored.
Sammy dearie, i'm not going to run back to that alphabet. Maybe another alphabet but definitely not the same one, for a good long time. Neither of us was mature. Age is deceiving.
My eyes are weighing heavier and heavier and my phone chooses to bitch me at this time. I'm going to shower and knock out.