I spent quite a bit of time editing this one, Draco and I only needed 2 attempts through DM North to down every boss. I tried to keep it around the 10 min mark this time and not make it an epic movie.
http://files.filefront.com/EternalQuantumFullHiReswmv/;5375214;;/fileinfo.html I personally appreciate the feedback that has been brought for new ideas and praise as well, it means a ton and definately filming new stuff for the coming videos.
I've become so inspired, I'm looking at directing school. =)
Need more practice though... hmmm... wonder what the next target will be. :D
Ideas are always welcome.
UI used:
Photek 3.0
http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-4558-1-photekui-v35-updated.html Reborn UI
http://www.curse-gaming.com/en/wow/addons-3268-1-reborn-ui.html Fraps and Vegas 5.0 used for editing.